Re: Vox: from blog platform to Ezra Klein's Project X -
"Well, that objection's just silly. I remember the time one of the iconic images of the Internet was, "on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog." The implication that I took away was that on the Internet, all that matters is your qualifications and how ready you are to provide something somebody else wants. All that goes away when you start thinking of "diversity" as a desirable end goal, in and of itself. Every time I see an article like this, the writer's landing thing that some organization just hasn't hired enough women or "people of color," and because they haven't the opinions carried there by are somehow less – authentic? Meaningful? Useful? They are somehow lesser because of the color or gender of the writer. That's pretty much the definition of sexism and racism where I'm from. I'm increasingly beginning to think that I'm from another world. Maybe Nate Silver and Ezra Klein have assembled teams of people that work together well, that produce articles and other material that..." - Alexander Williams