How to Be Hot: Women Should Smile More, Men Less - Women like men who look proud, and men like women who look happy.
Women should look friendly and approachable to get the most favorable attraction response from the opposite sex, and men should look proud. That’s the clear finding of a new study: Happy Guys Finish Last: The Impact of Emotion Expressions on Sexual Attraction. [Science Daily] - Mitchell Tsai
In addition, women dislike smiling men, and men dislike proud looking women. - Mitchell Tsai
Men were deemed less attractive overall than women were, in line with previous findings that women are harsher judges of the opposite sex. - Mitchell Tsai
“This…is also consistent with socio-cultural gender norms which, in many cultures, require that women appear submissive and vulnerable, and men dominant and confident. Individuals whose behavior and appearance is consistent with these gender norms tend to be considered most attractive, so a proud man and happy woman may be valued for reasons of gender-norm consistency, as well as for their potentially high mate value.” - Mitchell Tsai
What Women Find Sexually Attractive (1) Pride (2) Shame (3) Happiness - What Men Find Sexually Attractive (1) Happiness (2) Shame (3) Pride - Mitchell Tsai
Smiles tend to be socially appropriate across many situations, but there are contexts in which the appearance of sexual attractiveness is valued over social correctness. The present results suggest that men may need to choose between these competing social goals, but women do not. - Mitchell Tsai
Maybe this is the real reason for the curse of the nice guy – too much affability up front, as demonstrated by smiling, signals low status and too strong a desire to please - Mitchell Tsai
OKCupid blog advice: Women, flirt with the camera for your profile photo. Men, try giving it a cold shoulder. - Men who tried an aloof, no-eye-contact strategy got a better response to their emails — about 90% success compared with 60% if they made eye contact in their photos. - Mitchell Tsai
Older women didn’t fall for the shame routine, and older men liked more proud women - Mitchell Tsai