Gillmor Gang Live Friday 01.23.15 LIVE recording at 1pm PT/4pm ET
@tina would this be able to replace the tri-caster? - Matthew Voshell
Here - Keith Teare
Matthew - the Livestream is basically a dumbed down Trickster. If yu were tempted I would say go for the Trickster Mini - Keith Teare
@keith, ah fair enough, through looking through the feature set of this new realase from UStream looks pretty close... - Matthew Voshell
Stream Producer is a version of Wirecast - Keith Teare
Needs hardware to work with multi0cameras - Keith Teare
BlackMagic Design card most likely - Keith Teare
right right.. that makes sense re: hardwar; i amend this.. tech i could hook up multiple web cameras and be able to do multi camera webshow... pretty nice - Matthew Voshell
Playing with it now, itll understand different inputs.. this is really slick for FREE - Matthew Voshell
hello? - Kevin Marks
Steve, just got off the phone with Dean Landsman who says hello. - Tom Guarriello
no foldback for me - Kevin Marks
Topic: The whole microsoft windows 10 and hologram thing; i havent seen it yet, did anyone else watch it? - Matthew Voshell
Topic: Google partnering with t-mobile/sprint to get into the wireless game.. Google Cellular? - Matthew Voshell
Box IPO in 3...2...1 - Nir Ben Yona
Topic: Battery life issues with apple watch - Matthew Voshell
@Matthew -- Buy 3 watches and your issues are gone. - Nir Ben Yona
a day iwatch and a night iwatch - Kevin Marks
@Nir.. i actually have 0 interest in getting the apple watch, im no dick tracey.. i wear a misfit shine - Matthew Voshell
almost there folks.... sorry Murphy's law is alive and well today - Tina Chase Gillmor
Google needs Twitter more than T-Mo. Search is stale - clive boulton
Apple CEO Tim Cook Allows China to Perform Security Audit of iPhone; - Matthew Voshell
Hang in there, Tina. Murphy...can't trust that SOB - Tom Guarriello
FT reports Tim Cook's stock options could be now worth be $500 million. - clive boulton
There's a rumour Google are going to buy Twitter and Twitter share price is increasing - Robin Jewsbury
Weird, I can't see video from other people. I can hear them though. - Robert Scoble
Orange Tree makes its triumphant return - Matthew Voshell
I think twitter has a bigger Tech society impact than we see on the surface. Definitely a main stream product, but has a very large unseen movement. - Punty Prendergast
so many brits.. the queen is well represented - Matthew Voshell
Mark Cuban made a compelling argument Google Search needs Twitter. - clive boulton
hey Good People! How are you all on this lovely Friday? - Tina Chase Gillmor
God Save the Queen! - clive boulton
@clive makes sense but twitter released that new "catch up" feature to somehow slow down the attrition rate - Matthew Voshell
I'm going to run spread bets on when Steve 1st says "Notification" :) - Simon Benvenutto
Good here, Tina. I'm sure you're better now that show is actually on the air! - Tom Guarriello
Hey, Tina. We are going to roast on the coast this weekend. - christina sponselli
btw I've been meaning to invite you all to join the chat on Thursdays for G3. We're having a lot of fun on the show and attempting to build our chat audience community - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Scoble.. put on your best british accent to fit in? - Matthew Voshell
Jobs-to-be-done reference by Benedict is a good start - Tom Guarriello
Does Larry Page have the aggression to go after Twitter like Larry Ellison did PeopleSoft - clive boulton
Christina.... so I hear. record highs - Tina Chase Gillmor
@Tina is G3 chat on here? - Matthew Voshell
Matthew - yes but under Tina Gillmor not Steve's identity - Tina Chase Gillmor
got ya - Matthew Voshell
I post link info to the G3 Facebook page and also to twitter @tinagillmor and - Tina Chase Gillmor
misfit gives me 4 months..... :/ I know people who cant keep a jawbone on and it charges every 7 days.. - Matthew Voshell
Why don't smartphones / wearables have solar screens like Casio... - clive boulton
I'm getting around 3 days long with my smart/mobile watch. - Nir Ben Yona
scoble headroom - Kevin Marks
Function following design. Battery tech has not caught up with the beautiful Apple Watch design - Alex de Soto
battery tech hasn't changed really in 50 years... the next wave of more efficient battery storage is coming...overall battery life is an issue too... only good for says 5 years or 1000 charges... - Matthew Voshell
Clive.... I think small solar panels are not powerful enough - Tina Chase Gillmor
Jobs to be done is the big question... - Tom Guarriello
Intel should be deep into small batteries instead of screwing around with cloud. - clive boulton
Tina: must be. - clive boulton
i'm interested to see and experience Ringly as a wearable notifier - Tina Chase Gillmor
Displio is a viable alternative that you Don't wear - Matthew Voshell
With my smartwatch on, I practically stopped watching at my mobile device. - Nir Ben Yona
Interestingly, Christensen is the source of both disruptive approach and jobs to be done approach - Tom Guarriello
I was hoping that at least a wristband battery would supplement the main battery. Might be ugly though. - Alex de Soto
but he defines disruption form below - Kevin Marks
"phone" is a loose term.. how much talking to we really do on these devices? - Matthew Voshell
"phone" is a holdover historical term. Very true - Tina Chase Gillmor
Horace Dedieu's latest podcasts address the disruption from below and jobs to be done in depth - Tom Guarriello
Koomey's law is key: tech gets lower power faster than batteries get better - Kevin Marks
"communicator" or "device" seems more appropriate - Tina Chase Gillmor
+Kevin - Alex de Soto
(It's so cute. Steve always smiles when the first swear happens on the show) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Check out Tom - Link? - Keith Teare
good coding can impact battery life greatly right @kevin? Getting coders within best practices more and more would be great for battery usage - Matthew Voshell
Apple Pay + Apple Watch - Alex de Soto
I find the smartwatch a lot more comfortable to use in places like "around the table." No need to pull your mobile out of the pocket in order to look at incoming messages. - Nir Ben Yona
apple is good at herding coders for power - Kevin Marks
I've had an iPhone 6... the only place i go regularly that i can use it is Harris Teeter (market) none of the gas stations accept apple pay (but they accept touchelss mastercard etc) so they really need to figure that out before it becomes beta vs vhs all over again - Matthew Voshell
Love Apple Pay. Wish more merchants accepted it. - christina sponselli
good coding was key for small memory when I was at Uni, now great coding for low bat - clive boulton
Christina.... me too. I do love it but how many times do you go to Walgreens a day? - Tina Chase Gillmor
August + Nest is awesome FYI, speaking of internet of things - Matthew Voshell
Tina, agree. - christina sponselli
I agree, Robert. There will be amazing medical apps - Tom Guarriello
Cortisol would be a great sensor - Tom Guarriello
I finally saw Kinsa (thermometer) in the apple store.. where was this when i grew up? - Matthew Voshell
iOS / Android will need re-factor for multicore low bat. Likely Java/Objective C out for Golang. - clive boulton
This Calibration will tune the human race. - Arnie Klaus
teacup is a drink logging app that runs on watches as well - Kevin Marks
Just buttons now, levers to pull - Tom Guarriello
Benedict, et al...thoughts about robots? - Tom Guarriello
Tom - that's exactly what I was trying to tell steve. You can see how familiar he is with the inside of a casino.not. - Tina Chase Gillmor
IOT analytic market in 2015 is already valued at $5 billion+ - Nir Ben Yona
That's a good thing, Tina, no?? ;) - Tom Guarriello
Saw a robot like roomba moving plants at commercial greenhouse - clive boulton
Industrial robots will run many of those kinds of businesses, Clive. Haven't seen the greenhouse one - Tom Guarriello
Tom - yes. a good thing - Tina Chase Gillmor
I'm thinking of the watch as a mini-robot for my wrist - Tom Guarriello
@Robert Your camera broadcast is poor for some reason. - Nir Ben Yona
Tom: moving plants back braking work, but not for the robot only about 2 foot high. - clive boulton
Sorry. We are having tech troubles. - Robert Scoble
I rebooted everything and bandwidth is having troubles. - Robert Scoble
Nir - Robert is aware. It's strange indeed. - Tina Chase Gillmor
I called that last week - AR nor VR - Kevin Marks
Tina - Yeah, thought it was me for a moment. - Nir Ben Yona
low bandwidth, low bat replaced low mem, low cpu. - clive boulton
Clive, I can imagine that as a great use case - Tom Guarriello
my sons think ipad is a piece of junk alredy - Kevin Marks
You've poisoned their minds, Kevin!!! - Tom Guarriello
Kevin your sons play with robots - clive boulton
Robert looks likes is from the streaming Way Back Machine circia 2005 - very retro! - Arnie Klaus
Kevin - LOL. I wonder why ;) - Nir Ben Yona
A first step would be to stop calling these things "watches." 'Skeuomorphic" thinking once more. Is the watch face a way to hook us? - Alex de Soto
very least the watch strap should be a wearable battery. - clive boulton
Scoble looks like a VR insect! - Tom Guarriello
Amie -- Robert looks like a character from Minecraft. - Nir Ben Yona
I bought Andrew an iPad when they came out - Kevin Marks
Quick @Tina.... punch robert in the balls he wont see it coming - Matthew Voshell
they just use phones for everything now - Kevin Marks
Scoble The Fly - Simon Benvenutto
Matthew - lol. If only I could reach out a goose these guys sometimes - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert is playing a scene from Silence of the Lambs. - Alex de Soto
+10 Simon - Tom Guarriello
Minecraft purchase by microsoft is a viral doorway into an early adopter group for thier Holo product. Smart marketing - Arnie Klaus
is that VR or a gimp mask - Kevin Marks
720p? pixellated - Kevin Marks
gillmor gang google cardboard edition - clive boulton
Thanks '90s Hollywood! via "Disclosure" and thier VR file system - Matthew Voshell
It looks very like a 1990 era HUD - Kevin Marks
geeks are not going to get laid wearing oculous - clive boulton
interactive Gillmor Gang game - Tina Chase Gillmor
I want to say one word to you. Just one word... "implants." - Alex de Soto
Black Mirror - Kevin Marks
You know it, Kevin. - Tom Guarriello
magic leap + msft have 3d sensors too - Kevin Marks
Minecraft processes so fast allowing - it to be processed quicker than other programs - 1st free hololens offering. - Arnie Klaus
VR reads as escapism, AR as augmentation, I'm inclined to believe that VR will be niche, and AR much more mainstream. - Simon Benvenutto
Scobles signal seems to have stabilized - Tina Chase Gillmor
Anybody see the silly Paul McCartney concert VR thing on Cardboard (Jaunt)? - Alex de Soto
When we get "surrogates"(Bruce Willis Film) controlled by Oculus.. then I'm in ha - Matthew Voshell
socially more acceptable to wear a GoPro on your head than Glass / Oculous on your face - clive boulton
because it fucks with your perceptions - Tina Chase Gillmor
skype now increases quality over time? thats new - Kevin Marks
first one i used wouldn't fit on a desk - Kevin Marks
I still miss my commodore 64 - Matthew Voshell
I've done the roller coaster ride on Occulus, it was quite disorienting. A small sample of people get sick, which is an issue. - Simon Benvenutto
you can emulate it matthew - Kevin Marks
Everything fucks with your perceptions at some level, right Tina? Coffee, heat, wine, crowds...perception isn't "objective" it's co-created reality - Tom Guarriello
Its all olfactory - Arnie Klaus
@Kevin yea ive done that but it doesn't replace the task of loading 5 x 5.1/4 disks to load 1984 olympic games ha - Matthew Voshell
The Gamification of Life - Scott Jordan
I'm told by tantek that Brainstorms the movie covers this - Kevin Marks
me too - wearing them - Kevin Marks
kevin: satya nadella has freed microsoft engineers to improve products w/o gate keepers - clive boulton
Tom... that's true. But the Oculus seems to be very intense, from what I hear. - Tina Chase Gillmor
Strong tea, Tina, which younger people are eager to experience - Tom Guarriello
When people are far out in space, it will be fun for them to pretend to be back on Earth using a VR device or environment like the holodeck - Alex de Soto
whatsapp isn't a software platform - Kevin Marks
"We’re in the early stages of an [AI] data-science revolution, says Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff.” Yes >> - clive boulton
Hololens with 3-D minecraft can take the early market lead to innovate the other concepts. Easy build AR - Arnie Klaus
30 years ago for the mouse - Kevin Marks
Keith, we always participate in the story because we create so much of what make stories powerful...the emotion is ours, not the storyteller's. - Tom Guarriello
Kevin - its a communications platform for people. Not a software platform for devs - Keith Teare
Tom - yes but that is passive - Keith Teare
you said software - that threw me - Kevin Marks
Noo....not passive at's a result of creative consciousness - Tom Guarriello
Keith, think of an alien watching means nothing. - Tom Guarriello
True - but not my point. Story teller controls the story - both the what and the how - Keith Teare
They try to impact us through the story - Keith Teare
Magic leap is playing a dangerous game with their marketing stills + video - the rendering technology is only just there in software, you can't render this stuff in hardware yet - its good, but not real yet - Matt Hicks
If they do it worked :-) - Keith Teare
Yes, storyteller provides "clues" about the emotions they are creating through the story which only work if we actively engage them - Tom Guarriello
it'll be game quality and no better - the video on their site of the girl can't be rendered realtime, - Matt Hicks
Tom: agree - but if we are given the ability to enter the story and be part of it (as in others see us) its a new medium, not a story any more because the author is no longer in control of the dialogue - Keith Teare
especially if the story line is now under our control - Keith Teare
I agree with Robert - Tina Chase Gillmor
Isn't this the new world, Keith, where the storyteller isn't in control? - Tom Guarriello
Minecraft, second most popular search term on YouTube. - christina sponselli
+1 Scoble - clive boulton
Microsoft has its new OS - Arnie Klaus
Robert, MS's Achilles heel is Windows - Tom Guarriello
Not for me. I like that new world. Just don't think of it as story telling. I'll always want just pure story telling - Keith Teare
Google Glass is the stanley steamer - Arnie Klaus
Almost got away with talking about glasss.. .gotcha - Matthew Voshell
have you been to NT Live shows keith? - Kevin Marks
I am in personal agreement, Keith. But I'm watching the world change around me - Tom Guarriello
Yes - Keith Teare
that is an interesting expansion of this - Kevin Marks
Windows 10 HoloLens combo may restart on-premises software as personalized cloud enabled - clive boulton
Micorsoft will have it's future with Minecraft, wearables and and Skype - Tina Chase Gillmor
Keith, watch Brighton fans harass Arsenal on Sunday...should be a fun event - Tom Guarriello
15 million merits - Kevin Marks
Wait, Kevin, aren't self-driving bicycles called "cars?" - Tom Guarriello
there you go - singing football songs in the crowd as an oculus app - Kevin Marks
You get the future, Kevin! - Tom Guarriello
Name of show: "A Strap-On Future" - Alex de Soto
i fell off when keith said coupon - Kevin Marks
no video foldback - Kevin Marks
I want to be able to shop for food, and as i'm picking things out, i just touch it;s ibeacon to my iphone and when i'm done i click "done" on my iphone and walk right out... not talking to anyone ergo easy pay - Matthew Voshell
Title: Three Brits and a Scobulus - Tom Guarriello
@Keith.. Man City is making it hard to be a fan again... miss Yaya; but watching it though the NBC Sports live app is pretty nice - Matthew Voshell
title: Three Brits and a Yank - christina sponselli
Hey, Matthew, don't kill the Arsenal - Man City victory buzz! Africa Cup of Nations is fair! - Tom Guarriello
I hate Arsne Wagner.. just like the men in blazers. - Matthew Voshell
Oh, sad!! ;) - Tom Guarriello
@Matthew - Man Utd just drew 0-0 with Cambridge - Keith Teare
What Keith??? - Tom Guarriello
Lol - Kevin Marks
great show - christina sponselli
Man U is such a roller coaster - Matthew Voshell
HoloLens over GlassLens - clive boulton
thanks everyone.... you all are sSO great. - Tina Chase Gillmor
show name ideas? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Steve and I really bat a lot of ideas back and forth. You'd be suprised - Tina Chase Gillmor
NewGoggles - clive boulton
Holo Men - Kevin Marks
+1 Holo Men - clive boulton