OpenStack's Dirty Little Secret: It Doesn't Scale -
OpenStack remains the open-source community's cloud of choice, mustering tens of thousands of minions as it marches on toward cloudy relevance. That same community has turned OpenStack into a morass of competing projects and priorities, but there's one area where OpenStack dearly needs even more community: Helping it scale. I talked with Mirantis co-founder and CMO Boris Renski this week in advance of his company's announced partnership with Juniper Networks to improve OpenStack scalability. It quickly became clear that as popular as OpenStack is, it has a long ways to go before it's truly enterprise class. That is, without additional help. Don't Drink, Don't Scale, What Do You Do? As popular as OpenStack has been to talk about, it has been less impressive in terms of deployments. As the October 2013 OpenStack user survey reveals, while companies were shifting from proof of concept to production, that production was relatively small. Source: OpenStack User Survey, October 2013 ... - Web2024