The Future Of Mobile May Not Look Like Apps -
The Web as we know it is about to fundamentally change, according to one its luminaries. WordPress may power nearly a quarter of all websites, but Drupal is no slouch, either, running roughly 5% of all websites globally and 12% of the top 100,000 websites. So when Drupal founder Dries Buytaert declares the Web "will go through a massive re-architecture and re-platforming in the next decade," it's worth digging in to see what he means. From Pull To Push The Web has served us well for over two decades, serving up content that does everything from helping us become better people to teaching us to change diapers. (Hint: If you don't usually help out around the house, the answer to the former may have much to do with the latter.) But that content requires us to find it and, frankly, in an instant gratification society, the world of Google-esque searching may be far too hard for us. At least, that's the gist of what Buytaert argues: The current Web is "pull-based," meaning we visit websites... - Web2024