'Racing Extinction' documentary a call to save the planet - Washington Times - http://www.washingtontimes.com/news...
“Documentaries, to me, are the most powerful way to change the world,” he said. “My hope is that if you can show people the beauty of these animals, there’s a chance to save these things.” - Halil
That statement annoys me, so if you're not cute and cuddly you're not worth saving? :-/ - Halil
I remember one of the articles I saw (I think Attenborough?) in the last couple of years on 'creatures ugly enough to save' to highlight some in need of rescue, but overlooked because they were too weird, or not fuzzy enough. - Jennifer Dittrich
As my hero, E.O. Wilson, puts it, "It's the little things that run the world." Unfortunately, most of them are microscopic and don't lend well to lush documentaries. I'm a self-proclaimed documentary junkie, but sometimes you need to read a book. - Jenny H.
That's the problem, people have been spoilt by amazing cinematography and the idea of watching an OU style documentary now is out of the question, it's like we've regressed to kids and need big pictures with few words! - Halil
I don't think it's a new problem. Big, sexy species like pandas, polar bears, cheetahs, and wolves have been stealing the scene for a very long time. Yes, it's bad to lose large species and apex predators, but you can have catastrophic food web collapses from the bottom, as well. I think there isn't a lot of ecosystem literacy in the world. - Jenny H.