Development of High Capacity Antimatter Story w/Paraelectricity and Quantum Reflection:
"Recent publications predict the possibility of a phenomenon called Parelectricity [Chaio, 19941. Parelectricity predicts that illumination of a layer of solid ammonia by 9.56 micron microwaves will create a population inversion in the material. One result of this inversion is that an image charge will be induced by an approaching charged particle that is ofthe sames ign. Thus, the approachingp article will be repelledb y the image charge. A thin layer of ammonia on the surfaceso f the trap may reflect any approachingc hargedp article with near unity probability. Therefore, the original idea of making the walls of the trap reflective is still valid - just the methodology has changed." - Ray Cromwell
"This interaction was first examined in 1936 bennard-Jones,l936]. They predicted at the time the possibility of “quantum reflection.” Quantumr eflectionp redictst hat in the limit as the energyo f a particle approachingth e wall of a containerg ets near zero, the probability of “sticking” to the wall approachesz ero. Classically, the sticking probability, S, is predictedt o approachu nity but quantumm echanicsp redictsj ust the opposite solution, i.e that S is proportional to the squarer oot of the particle’s energy" - Ray Cromwell
Sorry for bad quotes, this is fault of cut/paste out of Acrobat PDF conversion of PS paper - Ray Cromwell