Eye Tracking Will Change How We Watch Films In Virtual Reality - http://readwrite.com/2015...
When you watch a video in virtual reality, something feels a little bit off. While it's meant to feel as lifelike as possible, the headset isn't able to quite perfectly replicate how our eyes look at the real world. One reason is focus. If you look at something close to you, the horizon blurs. In virtual reality, everything remains clear and sharp. The picture still looks good, but it feels just the slightest bit wrong. Fove, one of the first startups to go through the Rothenberg Ventures River virtual reality accelerator, has a solution. Its custom headset and software track exactly where your eyes are looking and take action based on that. Right now that means gaming actions such as shooting a gun at a target, but eventually it could be used to set focus in film scenes and make VR a more natural experience. Making Eye Contact CEO Yuka Kojima became interested in eye tracking while working at Sony (she was unaffiliated with the Project Morpheus VR headset). She craved more... - Web2024