Where can you discover meaningful problems to solve? - http://www.quora.com/Common-...
In Common Good: Meryn Stol voted up an answer. Steve Poland Everytime you do something, write out the process you just went through. How can you make it simpler and more user-friendly? Consumers may not complain about a process, but that's not to say they wouldn't like a simpler one -- they have merely come to accept the existing process. Keep track of these processes and "why" questions in a notepad or document. Square, Inc. has questioned the purchase process and is tackling to make it simpler for consumers. i.e. "When I purchase something do I have to go into my wallet, pull out a credit card, swipe a credit card, wait for a machine to tell me I'm approved, wait for a receipt to print, wait to be handed the receipt from the cashier, sign the receipt, hand over the receipt, be given a copy of my receipt." See question on Quora - Meryn Stol