GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Nov 1, 2013
Louis Gray,
Nir Ben Yona,
Alex de Soto,
Tina Chase Gillmor,
Jerome Hughes,
clive boulton
liked this
Google barges revealed?
- clive boulton
- Keith Teare
Hello ??? Anybody there?
- Keith Teare
Vic said 1.5 billion photos now upload to G+ per wk
- clive boulton
GG like London's number 9 bus, you know its coming, but not exactly when.
- clive boulton
- Kevin Marks
that's very odd
- Kevin Marks
previously when I typed it was ok
- Kevin Marks
show link
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Clive LOL
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Google is now accepting Nexus 5 orders
- Murray Macdonald
I ordered mine yesterday - it's coming monday
- Kevin Marks
When do we get to stop calling Twitter a "startup"?
- Jerry Schuman
they have hired enough MBAs now that they aren't a startup any more
- Kevin Marks
I was on a plane yesterday... Ordered mine today. Ships on the 28th.
- Murray Macdonald
If Twitter is not considered a "start up" in three years, it may be a failure. There's too much to change.
- John Taschek
Email remains the norm for normal people. Ask your mom. What year do you expect my kid's school will stop sending email?
- Murray Macdonald
pushy cat. wants to push buttons
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Push notification, Tina? :)
- Hilary Talbot
my son's school spams every day. don't read them
- Kevin Marks
You haven't seen anything yet. Wait till the "internet of things" starts notifying you. BLE is notification centric.
- Jerry Schuman
I am swimming in notifications... How is that any different than email? How do I access old notifications?
- Murray Macdonald
Have you guys used Lync yet?
- J.C. Bouvier
I use Skype to notify the NSA what I'm doing...
- Jerry Schuman
Skype v Hangouts?
- christina sponselli
The new hangouts interface is outrageous. The UI melts away
- Jerry Schuman
hangouts on android is very natural
- Kevin Marks
skype isn't too bad, but it feels very desktoppy
- Kevin Marks
the move to VP8 is a great start.. next stop WebRTC
- Jerry Schuman
hilary… it's coming ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Use Lync everyday. I love it. Group desktop sharing with voice is the killer app
- Murray Macdonald
I sense the word attention or gestures coming any minute
- Matt Terenzio
Have lost Borthwick
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Google barges, Oracle yachts -- wait for it Microsoft dingy
- clive boulton
he's baaaack
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Murray - notification ranking and searching/archiving is definitely important
- John Taschek
I sense the word attention or gestures coming any minute
- Matt Terenzio
Yes Murray, Lync - pretty solid, even on iOS, Mac Skype to Lync hasn't been as smooth.
- J.C. Bouvier
sounds like we are talking about slope-intercept
- Tina Chase Gillmor
If you guys get a chance, be curious to talk about Amazon's under the radar toe into original content w/their Kindle-only "Day One" literary mag...
- J.C. Bouvier
what is this, fly a light aircraft over Kevin's house day?
- Kevin Marks
features become platforms
- Tina Chase Gillmor
J.C. What version of lync are you running?
- Murray Macdonald
what is running on John B's wall?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
- Kevin Marks
was going to say that is a pretty interesting interactive art piece
- Jerry Schuman
Just started watching and have no clue as to what you guys are talking about. Will have to catch the replay to see what I missed.
- Alex de Soto
we're just getting a banksy flower thrower
- Kevin Marks
Banksy art.
- Nir Ben Yona
i want to see the dashboard...
- Murray Macdonald
welcome to Skype screen sharing
- Jerry Schuman
I got a MacBook Pro
- Kevin Marks
Murray, looks like a 15.x build
- J.C. Bouvier
get the hell off of Skype... you're hosing the NSA connection.
- Jerry Schuman
@Jerry ha ha
- J.C. Bouvier
iPad Air or Mini 2?
- Nir Ben Yona
Twitter's IPO, feels like we have way to many consumer focused hub and spoke communication systems. Nothing horizontal to integrate the deeper enterprise for reactive business.
- clive boulton
- J.C. Bouvier
I'm waiting on Mini 2. Rumored for the 21st or so.
- Alex de Soto is this what John is referring to?
- christina sponselli
Just picked up a new high end MacBook Pro and was having fun fondling the iPad Air... it was very nice.
- Jerry Schuman
Russell Brand's call for revolution
- Kevin Marks
Jerry… dirty old Apple man
- Tina Chase Gillmor
New MBPs - are y'all staying with Intel graphics and 8GB ram?
- clive boulton
what a concept! a message bus
- Jerry Schuman
I got 16GB - more RAM is always better
- Kevin Marks
Knowledge graphs.. fun buzzword from the late 80's
- Jerry Schuman
Had a lot of fun doing knowledge engineering with our AI expert system we wrote.
- Jerry Schuman
16GB ah. Do you think latest MBP battery can 'somehow' be replaced (I have a 08 MBP on 3rd battery)
- clive boulton
LinkedIn is trying to build Knowledge graphs wit h their Endorse spam
- Jerry Schuman
Especially good for animated cat GIFS
- Jerry Schuman
Circling Wave
- Arnie Klaus
linkedin is poisoning it's own graph by UX that confuses people between invitations and suggestions, and by confusing 'import your addressbook'
- Kevin Marks
Amazed my 08 MBP upgrade to Mavericks went flawless (2GBS and SSD mod)
- clive boulton
I just don't get the linked in interface. am i alone. I just can't seem to get a grip on it to make it useful to me
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin, add to that list the increase of spam
- christina sponselli
Tina: It's good for keeping your professional relationships isolated from your personal.
- Murray Macdonald
Google+ has no legs. There's no Eco Systems around it. Twitter & Instagram have many Eco Systems built around them.
- Moe Glitz
Murray… yeah I get that but I just haven't gotten into it and I really do want it to work for me
- Tina Chase Gillmor
except when you accidentally import all your addressbook because of confusing UX
- Kevin Marks
I dont see no Google+ Verse
- Moe Glitz
I missed gravity mode ;-(
- Tina Chase Gillmor
linkedin is for hiring
- Kevin Marks
Microsoft is for firing
- Moe Glitz
I'm proud to hold a higher Dots score than J. Borthwick ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Google is for lying
- Moe Glitz
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer. NSA
- Moe Glitz
I don't watch tv without using my "second screen" ipad
- Tina Chase Gillmor
What percentage of people at work aren't slave to a desktop? Mobile isn't replacing my work desktop anytime soon.
- Murray Macdonald
most people, murray. You're thinking white collar
- Kevin Marks
Asked for Google+ ecosystem API, and nothing is forthcoming, can't even look up what you 1+
- clive boulton
Vic's API hatred damages g+
- Kevin Marks
but usually playing dots or bee cells…. just keeping my fingers busy… probably should knit instead but, alas, i don't know how ;-(
- Tina Chase Gillmor
When work leaves your office, it's probably got a large mobile component. Plus your personal experiences via mobile are making them way into work.
- John Taschek
64bit A7 is Apple's direct attack against desktop
- Jerry Schuman
Aw man what did i miss? i was caught up getting hom insurance quotes :/ any advice on companies from anyone?
- Matthew Voshell
airplay+A7=transient computing
- Jerry Schuman
Vic must be on the short list for Microsoft CEO. Unless they go for a spinoff expert.
- clive boulton
We need mobile multitasking. Samsung tablets are doing it, but it needs to go mainstream.
- Murray Macdonald
maybe the rockstar patent will stop us having ads in searches
- Kevin Marks
links are dead
- Matt Terenzio
Matthew - insurance for what?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I think the smaller the screen, the greater the danger for ads to be obnoxiously interruptive. On a big screen, they're easier to ignore. PR is better suited to mobile.
- Alex de Soto
my wife and I settle on a new construction home on Nov 27th! Need home insurance
- Matthew Voshell
I think I coined a new workd "proximinates" and a reminder to myself not to do the Gang with a bad cold.
- John Taschek
Alex - I really think ads will change dramatically - their very nature will be altered.
- John Taschek
show name?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Dynamic cluster
- Steve Gillmor
Push me again.
- Murray Macdonald
- Moe Glitz
hillary left bitly
- Kevin Marks means twitter don't need
- Kevin Marks
a really really really well targeted ad is actually some of the most interesting content you could get. ads are only annoying when they aren't right for you
- Matt Terenzio
Bitly Bit My Finger
- Moe Glitz
Google FTW - they need to fold Gmail into Google+ and not the other way around.
- J.C. Bouvier
Matt… that's insightful
- Tina Chase Gillmor
In the past, ads were about mass distribution/attention. There was a culture change around distribution (fast food, brand awareness, television). But it may go back to the original definition - which implies a more targeted approach.
- John Taschek
Timing ads to hot social media conversations is one way companies are changing the ad game.
- Alex de Soto
Matt++. Go tell google and fb everything you can about your interests and ads improve significantly.
- Murray Macdonald
+1 Murray.
- J.C. Bouvier
show title: sex-terprise
- christina sponselli
Sexy Enterprise?
- Moe Glitz
here @stevegillmor
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Show name: Proximinating The Dynamic Clusters ;)
- Alex de Soto
J Taschek you are wrong about ray. it's Wang
- Tina Chase Gillmor
@rwang0 srsly injects high energy into enterprise
- clive boulton
- J.C. Bouvier
Nautical charts are not going to be printed by the government either.
- Alex de Soto
I read my Kindle during takeoff and landing. I've never crashed...
- Murray Macdonald
Tina - I don't think so - it is pronounced "wong"
- John Taschek
sex-terprise dats when your enterprise runs on Nginx!
- clive boulton
But it doesn't run unix or xcode... You can't write a iOS app on an iOS device (other than phonegap)
- Murray Macdonald
macbook air have a 16:9 screen, pro don't
- Kevin Marks
Heard somewhere that Comcast is starting to promote a package with basic channels, internet and just HBO. (Internet Plus).
- Alex de Soto
taschek seriously, Wang is pronounced Wong like Wrong without the "r"?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I'd rather Comcast focus on 1 gbps download 100+ upload than invest in TV.
- John Taschek
AT&T doorstepped me and promised 6M up o_O
- Kevin Marks
I only watch homeland on the showtime anytime app
- Matthew Voshell
Every time I have heard Ray say it, it has been "wong" - it's the Chinese pronunciation
- John Taschek
My Wong was Wrong on Wang too.
- clive boulton
and Verizon/Comcast are lifting that restriction on watching only on thier networks... you should be able to stream the verzion fios app on any network connection
- Matthew Voshell
I do the same thing with Verizon FIOS.. OpenVPN and pass all traffic through your home network and you can watch anywhere.
- Jerry Schuman
I suspect it's a different vowel entirely. American's don't really have an 'o' - you have an 'aw'
- Kevin Marks
We don't have an "o" sound? what?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Any comments on the new NSA snooping on Google/Yahoo pipe revelations?
- Murray Macdonald
Yeah Kevin: I think the card metaphor is going to win on those coming watches!
- Alex de Soto
Ads now on Instagram. Pinterest is for women that like to visually browse.
- Murray Macdonald
My wife uses Pinterest to share educational tips and links with other teachers.
- Alex de Soto
I have no interest in Pinterest
- Moe Glitz
Google+ can be a great boost for SEO for non-profits.
- christina sponselli
Pinterest is for women who like to browse. It also allows you to represent yourself with pretty things, even if you're ugly.
- Murray Macdonald
my wife is always on pintrest... its like google+/facebook/ whatever where people post funny cat videos and intresting photos of cute shoes and home design
- Matthew Voshell
pinterest isn't just fro women, it's for the visually focused browser, as opposed ot the photographers
- Kevin Marks
Roku does that Keith and you dont need an account...
- Matthew Voshell
that ability to search by content regardless of where it is streaming from
- Matthew Voshell
Very few user-created photos on Pinterest. Mostly pro photos of products. The user base is over 80% female.
- Murray Macdonald
Twitter News
- Moe Glitz
The BBC news app tells me the real news days before CNN with less drooling.
- Murray Macdonald
Only watch CNN when they share good short video clips on Google Glass.
- Alex de Soto
To the Salesforce Gang: Will miss Boo hoo! Looking for alternatives now.
- Alex de Soto
@John Ha ha...yah, and they say Kit Kat will take a year to adopt...
- J.C. Bouvier
@Alex was ok and i used it but ended up switching to AnyList
- Matthew Voshell
The barges are registered under the names BAL0001, BAL0010, BAL0011 and BAL0100
- clive boulton
Matthew: I'll check AnyList out. Was looking at Asana and Producteev.... Thanks
- Alex de Soto
@Alex, yea i went through and tried out a ton of them... for what i wanted and use.. anylist is my favorite
- Matthew Voshell
Tx guys...
- J.C. Bouvier
Thanks everyone.
- Murray Macdonald
- Jerry Schuman
- Alex de Soto
- Jerome Hughes
- Moe Glitz
thanks all
- Tina Chase Gillmor