Why do colleges hire the dumbest people for counseling positions?? Emailed the main contact person for my program at a possible new school. Asked what the pass/fail rate was for my program. She replies, "I don't have enough information. What school are you talking about? Our school? And which program? When I have more information, I can help you."
Ugh. Idiot. - Tamara J. B.
No, no you can't because I emailed you and you failed. I just like to waste my time and email random schools to see if they write back. Really felt like driving over to punch her. - Gabrielle
Seriously, you can tell she didn't really read your message. - Jennifer Dittrich
My message was one line. It's not rocket science. This is the person responsible for admitting me, too. I have to bite my tongue. The Chancellor is most likely going to be hearing from me. - Gabrielle