Yes, Mr Gove, I went to private school – but I want to challenge the system | George Monbiot | Comment is free | -
"In successive budgets, George Osborne has slammed the door on the poor, sometimes trapping their fingers in the process. By cutting the taxes the richest people pay while simultaneously shrinking both benefits and essential social services, he has done more than any chancellor in living memory to prevent the poor from rising and the rich from sinking. That, after all, is the point of this government. It exists to secure and enhance the position of the banks, the corporations and the rich. It exists to support the system of rentier capitalism – and the inherited wealth that arises from it – that made so many members of the cabinet wealthy. This is the plutocratic class that funds the Conservative party, whose air it breathes, whose interests and opinions it shares." - M F
Very good read and excellent idea by George Monbiot, but does Gove have the guts to follow through with his convictions? More importantly, is he even allowed too, which is why he's a great orator, he sounds brilliant on BBCQT when I see him. - Halil