Poland's Linguistic Heritage - Documentation Database for Endangered Languages - Poland's Linguistic Heritage - http://inne-jezyki.amu.edu.pl/Fronten...
"Welcome to the website of the documentation database of endangered language varieties spoken on the territory of Poland and developed in - synchronic or diachronic - language contact(s) with Polish (excluding the dialects of the Polish language itself). The focus of the present inventory is on a wide range of non-Polish languages and their non-standard varieties illustrating the richness and diversity of Poland's language landscape and the variety of its language contacts." - Maitani
"In Poland and in its neighbouring countries (once included in the territory of Poland) there are many languages spoken by small groups of speakers that have not been documented so far and they are severely endangered. These languages prove the linguistic diversity and richness of the former Republic of Poland (the Polish historical name is "Rzeczypospolita") and are an important component of the Polish national legacy. In terms of linguistic diversity, the territory of "Rzeczypospolita" is a region of contacts between various languages and communication communities. Although today the diversity is significantly impoverished as compared to earlier times, it still exists." - Maitani