Jon Carroll's column in the S.F. Chronicle today is another one about The WELL, which he loves. Thought about it as a possible alternative spot--but, apart from the cost ($100-$150/year, it's owned by its members), it's explicitly non-anonymous (and *probably* fairly old-style conferencing). So, not a starter, I think.
Too bad, in a way: The WELL communities seem to love it. Enough to pay $100-$150 a year for it and write newspaper columns about it. (It's 30 years old! Let's skip right over the original name, which has much to do with Left Coast hippie-dippie "tools will solve everything" stuff.) - walt crawford
No pseudonyms allowed? - Meg VMeg
I was on the WELL waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when it was a BBS and I found it incredibly frustrating to navigate. It's nice to know, though, that they found a sustainable model that works for them. - Cecily
I tried The WELL years (decades?) ago, and, like Cecily, found it very frustrating to navigate. - vicster.