Sewage Bacteria Linked to Obesity | The Scientist Magazine® -
"McLellan, along with Mitchell Sogin of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, and their colleagues, gathered samples from sewage treatment plants in 71 different cities with varying obesity rates—from Steamboat Springs, Colorado, with an obesity rate of 13.5 percent to St. Joseph, Missouri, with a rate of 37.4 percent. Sure enough, bacteria such as Bacteroidaceae were found in greater abundance in the locales with the relatively high obesity rates. “If we had a city with a higher percentage of obese people, we would see a higher percentage of the kinds of bacteria associated with obesity,” McLellan told Inside Science. The correlation was even able to predict whether a city was lean or obese with 80- to 90-percent accuracy." - Todd Hoff
explains a lot ... more than we want to know, perhaps #junkfood #processedfood #foodlikeproducts - Gregory Lent