Upcoming US Standards Would Force Porsche To 42 MPG Average In 2016 | Autoblog Green - http://green.autoblog.com/2010...
"With U.S. emission standards continually becoming ever more stringent, Porsche has decided to take a stand. According to the company, new regulations forthcoming "would perversely require Porsche to become the fuel efficiency leader in the United States." As you can imagine, making sports cars that achieve the industry standard of 42 miles per gallon by 2016 is not on the easy to do list and Porsche would like to avoid the situation if at all possible." - Kurt Starnes
you think we should do a lot of things, don't you? - Chris Heath
i don't assume like that... i'm just observing your opinions - Chris Heath
Porsche just needs to produce a proper pick-up truck in large enough numbers to qualify for the break in MPG. - Kurt Starnes
loopholes ftw! or ftl depending on your pov - Chris Heath