Seagate sees big drive capacity jump coming • Channel Register -
"Seagate quotes an industry estimate that there will be a total notebook HDD capacity of 95EB (exabytes) shipped in 2011 with 69EB in 2010. It says - you can almost see the glee on its face - that just 11EB of flash was made in 2010, with around 93 per cent of shipments used for smartphones and other embedded applications. This left a pathetic 0.77EB (770PB) for notebooks, which would have allowed around ten per cent of notebook HDD storage to be replaced by SSDs last year." - 【无声胜有声】
这里计算错了,应该是1% SSD用到了notebook上。 - 【无声胜有声】
最烦这些高叫着SSD替代论者,可以歇菜洗洗睡了,喊了这么多年价降了多少,还是比HDD高二三十倍,SSD产量上去?我KAO,要建35个Fab,每个Fab好多billion,这价降得下来吗?过5到10年再来吹! - 【无声胜有声】