A little geekier than expected: Shari's Cafe & Pies (mostly west coast) sent out a $1 offer for a slice of pie to its club members, only good on 3/14/15, and yes, there was a pi in the crust of the pie-slice illustrated. NO geekier than expected: the Computer History Museum's having a special Pi Day celebration..and those in line by 9:26 a.m....
...will get free admission and, I think, a free slice of (pizza) pie. (CHM opens at 10 a.m.) - walt crawford
Oops. Wrong on the free slice of pie, but it will be available for sale. Meanwhile, the Exploratorium's doing a whole day of special pi-related stuff, but this Saturday's a free day anyway. (True admission: I won't take advantage of any of this...) - walt crawford