Re: Reports of Google+'s death have been greatly exaggarated -
"I really wish that they would roll out the HD quality Hangouts to non-Enterprise users, because that would occasionally save me a lot of trouble, but in the meantime I've accepted that doing HD broadcast with Open Broadcast System streaming directly to YouTube gives me more control over what's going out, anyway. I would occasionally kill for fifteen people in a Hangout, however. It was funny, though, that for a week or two the only story anyone wrote about G+ was about how nobody used it and Google was winding it down. Literally no major tech journalism outlet wrote a story with a different narrative. Where did I hear about these stories? Google+. I think it might be unfair to use the phrase "beware online journalists who…" when we can find multiple examples a week of journalists in general, in every medium, doing very little but repeating rumor and speculation as if it were fact. Aside from the guys writing short articles in my hyper local Patch feed almost straight off the police..." - Alexander Williams