Re: Marissa Mayer Is Off The Rails -
"I have no in-depth knowledge of these activities so they could be as horrible as they are described. But ... the Yahoo! culture she inherited was absolutely poisonous and everyone in Silicon Valley knew about it. People might work there for a year to get a 'name' on their resume and then they were gone. Sort of a double-whammy of awful. So I can understand doing some unconventional things to shed the company of those who continue to promote that old culture. Is it being done nicely? Probably not. But then again, is there really a nice way to do it? Particularly when you're under the gun from 'the street' to produce? Turning Yahoo around is a titanic task but Tumblr, Summly, Aviate, Vizify and Flurry (among others) point to a strategy to capture mobile content attention through better formatted and recommended content. Then toss in the five year deal Yahoo signed with Firefox (new search default) and think about whether Yahoo might decide to get back into the search game for real and..." - AJ Kohn