GIllmor Gang, recording live today 12 noon PT participate at
Naor Mark,
Nir Ben Yona,
Tina Chase Gillmor,
Gervase Merrill,
The Mileage Club,
Dale Lature,
clive boulton
liked this
Mall traffic down 60 pct, shopping shifts to mobile and ecommerce.
- clive boulton
The wifi here is very loaded, going to try LTE
- Kevin Marks
ok calling now Kevin
- Tina Chase Gillmor
kevin call news gang three
- Tina Chase Gillmor
LTE will be better - guess
- Keith Teare
Try again, hit wrong button
- Kevin Marks
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Testes, 1, 2...
- Doc
Doc lol
- Tina Chase Gillmor
- Nir Ben Yona
As long as I'm on the right side of the hill
- Kevin Marks
Doc Searls!
- Matt Terenzio
That's what he said to his Mum: "Thanks for having me."
- Doc
well we had a false start...; about to go again
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Traffic was last thing I heard. Not Steve Winwood
- Matt Terenzio
I have a hard stop at 1:30, btw. Just saying.
- Doc
here's the tech crunch link
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Hm now on hspa
- Kevin Marks
I still have the attention recorder on
- Matt Terenzio
What's up? I'm self muting
- Kevin Marks
Spot on Keith
- Scott Jordan
Spoken like a true U.S. citizen
- Matt Terenzio is Quinn's piece
- Kevin Marks
Skype crashed
- Kevin Marks
radio shack and staples closing stores. shopping shifting to apps.
- clive boulton
I'm going back outside, reception was better
- Kevin Marks
40 years ago President Nixon resigned over bugging the Watergate Hotel, whilst Obama survives bugging the Nation!
- Moe Glitz
seeing the grout in Docs fireplace - stunning HD
- clive boulton
In fairness, Obama didn't bug the nation, he just won't debug it. unbug?
- Matt Terenzio
Obama's oversees everything, right. Or is he going to be 12 Years A Slave
- Moe Glitz
I'm wondering if I should climb the hill
- Kevin Marks
Or go up on the roof Kevin
- Moe Glitz
kevin i think you can hang where you are
- Tina Chase Gillmor
we just have to ride the mute
- Tina Chase Gillmor
This is a house, if have to go in someone's room
- Kevin Marks
I'm muting, found the button
- Kevin Marks
Not gonna lobby hard for it. But would love to hear Doc's thoughts on Comcast
- Dale Lature
Walmart having an aisle for earbuds and headphones surprised me music this healthy.
- clive boulton
AIM vs. MSN Messenger vs. XMPP
- Matt Terenzio
What does Doc think about Indie Web Camp's efforts? Is he a supporter?
- Alex de Soto
XMPP is doing a lot of work to get push notification and carbon copies of messages sent between devices.
- Simon Tennant
Foremost in my mind since Time Warner buyout happened ans started reading Susan Crawford book from last year
- Dale Lature
Salmon protocol
- Matt Terenzio
Too many Mobile Messaging Silo's will stifle communication
- Moe Glitz
XMPP was invented to overcome this, but it's been ignored or perverted by many companies using it, e.g. whatsapp
- Doc
Holding phone with friendfeed chat...watching broadcast @steveGillmor Gang on Kindle in front of me on elypses machine pumping the pedals at the Y
- Dale Lature
Kevin's report on comments flowing back resonates after seeing JPs blog comments on different channels
- clive boulton
This is all a little like AT&T before Carterfone. Except now every app is their own AT&T.
- Simon Tennant
agreed, simon
- Doc
Something Cooking in the JustMe Lab?
- Moe Glitz
Registry is VRM multiplexer...
- clive boulton
Sounds like it Moe
- Tina Chase Gillmor
how does the picture look today, folks?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Every picture looks fine Tina, apart from Kevin's
- Moe Glitz
Picture looks terrific except for Kevin's (obvious bandwidth issue).
- Alex de Soto
Doc: There's a lot of good stuff coming out of XMPP. Especially as a signalling channel for new webRTC apps.
- Simon Tennant
yes, I just joined but Kevin's is the only one that is showing variability
- Charlie Isaacs
Go to on chrome
- Kevin Marks
Yep, Kevin is out and about - busy, busy. glad it's looking good
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Most important is the user identifier (@name or [email protected] etc). Then transport.
- Simon Tennant
Simon - remember realNames :-)
- Keith Teare
/me shudders :)
- Simon Tennant
Hope Keith cracks it
- Moe Glitz
there are many identifiers - @twitter; +CC-Phone-Number; [email protected] - handls - they should all work
- Keith Teare
I'm =matthew
- Matt Terenzio
But mostly since I really think that the longevity of these systems is becasue they need to live outside of a single corporation driving it.
- Simon Tennant
Don't disagree but somebody needs to step up to initiate
- Keith Teare
title bars are a bit "upgraded" for this show. Sporting a "G" logo on it
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Oh Superman
- Moe Glitz
Keith - XMPP Standards Foundation is (full disclosure: I'm a board member).
- Simon Tennant
Hi Charlie
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Discussion on this from yesterday
- Kevin Marks
Keith that sounds like what Indieweb are doing
- Scott Jordan
Hi Tina, I just excluded you from my last tweet, out of space. When are the increasing that darn character limit anyway? :)
- Charlie Isaacs
Kind of hard to believe there arent more on this show wanting to talk about danger of Comcast....maybe as it gets worse
- Dale Lature
Skype crashed again
- Kevin Marks
Charlie... you can leave me out. quite OK
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Kevin's on LTE...
- clive boulton
Tina :) I'll just tweet your "goodbye wave" pics
- Charlie Isaacs
Keith: where does this registry live?
- Simon Tennant
Normal people need simple things. If you want to make people control their own Communication Channels you need a simple brand. Chat DJ!
- Moe Glitz
How come Kevin is always outside somewhere? Will no one let him inside? :)
- Dale Lature
Hdspa sadly
- Kevin Marks
Add context-awareness to a comm system like that and I'm sold.
- Alex de Soto
Charlie...OMG what if I'm having a bad hair day? like everyday!
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Inside has worse reception
- Kevin Marks
Research on signalling WebRTC over XMPP, pretty cool
- Charlie Isaacs
Charlie: The &Yet guys are doing great work on this. Look at their open source oTalk webclient.
- Simon Tennant
Don't we need like 4 particular companies to work together and they never will?
- Matt Terenzio
Get Offa My Cloud
- Moe Glitz
Video looks great. Looking at Doc's now
- Dale Lature
Thanks Simon
- Charlie Isaacs
Dan getting all indie
- Kevin Marks
Interestingly AT&T is one of their customers. :)
- Simon Tennant
Dan has always been indie, no?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Go Telco on the mountain
- Matt Terenzio
good one Matt... too long for show title though
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Matt T, I do that religiously
- Charlie Isaacs
Tellco u love me?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Hanging on the Telephone
- Moe Glitz
Do you think that a blank / absent ad model is good because ... (1) it was free of advertising and thus, was a primary reason for growth, or (2) that the absence of ads provides a blank slate to lay down the type of ad format in a space with an already large following?
- Chien-Yu Lin
I want 007 as my iBeacon identity
- Moe Glitz
Tina - you never have a bad hair day! And besides, the way you run the board is beautiful :)
- Charlie Isaacs
one ringaling to rule them
- Matt Terenzio
simon - in the cloud
- Keith Teare
aww, Charlie. You're such a charmer ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
We helped Nebraska Crossings Mall with a beacon project, they're using it for car-locator services currently (I know, yawn) but they are hooking up the retail stores on phase II
- Charlie Isaacs
My Ding-A-Ling
- Moe Glitz
Keith: Does "in the cloud" mean a single company?
- Simon Tennant
The cloud was originally not that
- Kevin Marks
you can also trigger built-in functions from beacons like "dial a number" to call for help, or video chat, or...back to xmpp :)
- Charlie Isaacs
And while we are at it let's break up Twitter. there is a new wave of messaging tools out there!
- Matt Terenzio
The net is the cloud
- Kevin Marks
I really like how email solved this: you have an identity that lives with a provider. And those providers intercommunicate with eachother. SMTP was invented 30 years ago. But we're still grappling with this same problem on other protocols today.
- Simon Tennant
So everyone has their own Mini Cloud through a Beacon
- Moe Glitz
It could. I'm less concerned about that so long as their role is thin and glue
- Keith Teare
- Matt Terenzio
Simon - agree re SMTP and IMAP for example
- Keith Teare
email + privacy + realtime
- Matt Terenzio
- Matt Terenzio
Shame that Microsoft has so many dark clouds
- Moe Glitz
Say hi to Anselm
- Kevin Marks
someone just photo bombed the Gillmor Gang!
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Should I go find Dan?
- Kevin Marks
Recommender systems should take off in the enterprise if all channels flow back (as they did in consumer).
- clive boulton
can you guys generate some show keywords for the seo
- Tina Chase Gillmor
MicroSoft should freeze Windows development, maintain yes, but move on , accept Linux and Android
- Scott Jordan
WhatsApp, Beacons, Cloud
- Moe Glitz
"guaranteed a lifetime of dull employment"
- Simon Tennant
thx Moe
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Google is tackling and chasing the hard problems.
- Chien-Yu Lin
Amen on google, Doc
- Dale Lature
Simon... Did Doc just say that?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Google people even turn up at webRTC meetups. Much closer to the hacker ethos.
- Simon Tennant
Comcast wont do it without beingvforced to
- Dale Lature
Tina: Doc said that. Great quote!
- Simon Tennant
Really OS X is "Windows" built on BSD, so is Chrome. Microsoft can do the same.
- clive boulton
Simon... yes, agreed. thx
- Tina Chase Gillmor
That and they are well positioned to be the defense and security contractor for the US.
- Chien-Yu Lin
2014 and we are finally deciding we got the OS right and it's . . . Unix
- Matt Terenzio
I prefer Google vs Comcast since Comcast is the dangerous one
- Dale Lature
Ms is not dangerous because theyve lost so much relevance
- Dale Lature
Comcast and the other Telecos are Dinosaurs
- Scott Jordan
Our nephew just went to Google. it was surprising
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Microsoft is about execution (which is really about risk aversion).
- Chien-Yu Lin
Windows Azure uses Unix (backfitting desktop Windows could happen)
- clive boulton
I originally learned to code on BSD, love that people are embracing UNIX again :)
- Charlie Isaacs
Did you see that WhatsApp was running on FreeBSD?
- Matt Terenzio
Gang should also talk some day soon about Google Fiber and its position visavi Comcast
- Dale Lature
Google needs to start making their Services pay off, so that in the next couple of years it takes 50% of their revenues
- Moe Glitz
+clive - correct, check out this page: a lot of flavors of BSD
- Charlie Isaacs
For the future of Advertising, Google should have acquired Twitter a few years ago
- Moe Glitz
They tried
- Kevin Marks
Evan, et. al. never would have sold to Google. They did that with blogger. once was enough.
- Doc
Should have tried harder Kevin
- Moe Glitz
Scott, problem with the dinosaur that is Comcast is that it is still alive and eating
- Dale Lature
Outside of the tech world, is anyone really complaining about Microsoft? It is like SAP - enterprise complains about it - but not really.
- Chien-Yu Lin
Next time I'll check LTE reception first
- Kevin Marks
YouTube could be a huge money earner if managed right
- Moe Glitz
They are no longer excited by it, they are excited by phones and tablets
- Kevin Marks
Bing is on Linux, btw.
- Doc
They need to kill Google+. No one has time to shift to another Brand
- Moe Glitz
We wouldn't be here if the content wasn't worthwhile. As always, another great show.
- Chien-Yu Lin
darn, what happened to the Tina wave, did I miss it? :)
- Charlie Isaacs
@chien-Yi Lin: +1
- Simon Tennant
aww Charlie.. you miss wed my bad hear day.... darn
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Hey chat room, Steve just told us we were just like Bruce, Die Hards
- Charlie Isaacs
Yippie ki-yay
- clive boulton
Thanks to all. You are all spectacular
- Tina Chase Gillmor