5 anni fa: I “pensieri su Flash” di Steve Jobs - http://www.nicoladagostino.net/i-pensi...
sappiamo tutti com'è andata a finire poi con il mondo Android e Flash... - zidagar ▶ ▷
"altri operatori nell’ecosistema mobile come Google, RIM, Palm, Microsoft e Nokia": ne sono rimasti due più uno moribondo. - Braga
Ma la parte più bella la trovi se vai a cercare su Wikipedia: "Kevin Lynch is an American software developer. He is currently vice president of technology at Apple, after working as the chief technology officer of Adobe Systems.[1] At Apple, Lynch has been responsible for developing the software of Apple's smartwatch project, the Apple Watch, a device he demonstrated at a press conference in September 2014. Before Adobe, Lynch worked for Macromedia, joining Adobe when it acquired Macromedia in 2005.[2] During his time at Adobe, Lynch was a staunch advocate of Flash, Adobe's multimedia software platform, and has been critical of Apple for hindering the use of Flash on its mobile devices, the iPhone and iPad." - Braga
Dite quel che volete, ma flash è ancora là fuori alive and kicking. - Sig. N
E gira anche su android col browser giusto (Dolphin ad esempio) - Sig. N
Braga: come cambia il mercato in cinque anni, eh? - Nicola D'Agostino