Re: Why Has Google Broken Deeplinking on Android? -
"I just wanted to clear up a few points raised in this article: "Apps that utilize deeplinks will not launch" - Yes they will, the intent: deep linking syntax still works. The intention has always been that if a user enters a URL in the browser address bar then the user should navigate to the web page that they typed and they should not be automatically directed away to the App. However, I believe has been a regression for a while that allowed developers to circumvent this by simulating a user gesture (a click on the "intent:" link). For this user journey it is fundamentally disruptive to the user and can lead to potentially unintended results. Note: If a user indicates via a gesture such as a click on a link, or iirc a navigation from a link click that subsequently 302's redirects or window.location redirects within 100 milliseconds of the gesture to an intent: URI then it should all still work. "Apps that have rich in-app webview content can no longer open Intent URLs" - See above,..." - Paul Kinlan