Re: Increasing engagement with Web App install banners -
"Interesting and I disagree. I should be clear, I am also talking about *all* Service Worker features, you get more access to more things (such as request interception) and you need to be sure that the SW has not been MITM'd. I am more than happy starting with these tougher restrictions in place, my absolute worst nightmare is that we start weak on this, every site gets the ability to throw up a banner and users hate it and we push the web back several years in not having parity with native experiences. User trust is our upmost goal with this, and requiring SSL and also SW (which can lead to offline, but also more likely push notifications) I believe is a good start. Can you tell me what would make you happy and also not be abused? (I think SSL is non-negotiable on this btw.)." - Paul Kinlan