Someone Said Something Mean! -
When you or a loved one have a disease to contend with, it puts a lot of things in perspective. Yes, I'm about to get "Dear Muslima" on you but, honestly, it's the only realistic and truthful response. There are a few things that I read now that put things in the proper view. One of the worst recently has been "someone said something mean about me/Photoshopped a bad picture of me". I see these things and think to myself "Really? The very worst that has happened to you is some anonymous joker said or did something naughty?" While you're whining about this, my guy is busy having a tube put in his stomach so he can get the nutrition he needs once radiation and chemo therapy start. He hasn't even started the stuff that is required to ensure the cancer is killed off and is feeling exhausted already and you have assholes being, well, assholes to you on a medium you can shut off and walk away from? You willingly go to a web site that will probably have bad things to say about you, whine and... - Renee Hendricks