Picture This: Flickr (Finally) Connects Photos to Twitter - http://bub.blicio.us/picture...
"Flickr has finally joined the party for seamlessly connecting and sharing pictures directly to Twitter. Up until now, Twitpic and yfrog have dominated the Twitter stream for pictures, simply because they provided a tremendously easy system for snapping and uploading pictures to Twitter from mobile devices. While I’m an avid photographer, I am not however, an avid camera-phone shutterbug. Up until recently, if I were so inclined to proactively share an image from my Flickr Pro account, I would do so manually. However, an age-old feature within Flickr has finally received a long overdue update, the ability to not only “blog this” image, but also “tweet it.” Now, simply clicking on the “blog this” button above the image, you can now connect your Twitter account in addition to your blog. In doing so, it takes you to another window where you have roughly 120 characters remaining to frame the tweet. Flickr automatically provides a shortened “flic.kr” URL and embedds it into your Tweet to save time and effort." - Susan Beebe
Go here to update your account "To append your Flickr account with your Twitter credentials" --> http://www.flickr.com/account... - Susan Beebe
Cool! Now I don't have to send pics to both twitpic AND twitter. I did a test http://flic.kr/p/6wbW8c - Jenny Cisney
Have done a few quick tests to here http://twitter.com/CdLCreative and it looks good so far. Flickr MUST add this to their API though - CdL Creative
Only the title argument in the Flickr API call gets posted to Twitter. The description, although required, gets discarded. Steve - CdL Creative