Augmented Identity: Are You Ready To Wear Your Social Graph? | MIT Tech Review -
"TAT built the augmented ID demo, called Recognizr, to work on a phone that has a five-megapixel camera and runs the Android operating system. A user opens the application and points the phone's camera at someone nearby. Software created by Swedish computer-vision firm Polar Rose then detects the subject's face and creates a unique signature by combining measurements of facial features and building a 3-D model. This signature is sent to a server where it's compared to others stored in a database. Providing the subject has opted in to the service and uploaded a photo and profile of themselves, the server then sends back that person's name along with links to her profile on several social networking sites, including Twitter or Facebook. The Polar Rose software also tracks the position of the subject's head--TAT uses this information to display the subject's name and icons for the Web links on the phone's screen without obscuring her face." - Kurt Starnes
I like AR stuff because it brings the computer out into the environment and allows interaction in totally new ways. Imagine a augmented reality/identity layer viewable through one's heads-up display. How about a convicted sex offender layer? There's also opportunity for abuse, of course, but there's no progress without a price, IMO. - Kurt Starnes
Why the sad face? - Kurt Starnes
:(( - David
Why are you guys frowning? I don't get it -- clue me in! - Kurt Starnes