3,300 year old city to be wiped off the map - http://www.dailykos.com/story...
The city of Rafah has survived the invading armies of Assyria, Greece, and Rome, among others. It has outlasted Napoleon's armies, the Mamluks, the British, and the Ottoman Empire, just to name a few. Before this year is out, Rafah will cease to exist. - Halil
The entire border city of Rafah is to be levelled to the ground, Egyptian authorities have announced. “The establishment of a buffer zone requires the complete removal of the city. In fact, it will be completely destroyed,” said Abdel Fattah Harhour, governor of North Sinai, to which Rafah is administratively affiliated. - Halil
It's stupid. The Egyptian gov't is so boneheaded. While whining about cultural thefts from European nations, they don't even have the foresight to protect their own things. - Anika