LOW-TECH MAGAZINE: Restoring the Old Way of Warming: Heating People, not Places - http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2015...
"These days, we provide thermal comfort in winter by heating the entire volume of air in a room or building. In earlier times, our forebear's concept of heating was more localized: heating people, not places. They used radiant heat sources that warmed only certain parts of a room, creating micro-climates of comfort. These people countered the large temperature differences with insulating furniture, such as hooded chairs and folding screens, and they made use of additional, personal heating sources that warmed specific body parts. It would make a lot of sense to restore this old way of warming, especially since modern technology has made it so much more practical, safe and efficient." - Todd Hoff
My invention is that I'll 3D print coveralls that are festooned with pockets for hot water bottles. The water bottles will warm by the fire then I can use the bottles to regulate my temperature both inside and outside the house. - Todd Hoff