#ask-me-anything-while-I-hav-a-wine-buzz yes I invented this hashtag on a dying social network.
minus signs dont work in hashtags? i only see the #ask in blue. sorry i never use them.
- Mike Nencetti
Which wine gives you the best buzz?
- vicster.
Red is Pinot Noir, white is Pinot Grigio.
- Mike Nencetti
What is your first memory of being on FF?
- vicster.
Then again I do not know wine that well. Trader Joe's is across the street so I picked up a few wines.
- Mike Nencetti
i cant remember my earliest memory, but I was online when Arrington referred to FF as a mob.
- Mike Nencetti
That was when FriendFeed was at its peak of popularity. It never recovered from the mob mentality.
- Mike Nencetti
#askmeanything (so I can find it later)
- bentley