Project M: Johnson Space Center Says It Can Put Telepresent Avatars On The Moon In 1000 Days | See video through link! | io9 -
I think this may not only be the future of space travel but a major catalyst in the creation of human-like droids. Our progeny could be synthetic. - Kurt Starnes
a first step in the move toward the singularity? - Big Joe Silenced
Joe: Not sure, but I can imagine these space bots getting much better in order to allow us to explore space in a more realistic way. Maybe they began as robotic extensions of humans then are built to become more autonomous. In a few decades they'll likely be much more human-like and all over the solar system, maybe beyond. We could load 'em with data and archives about all humankind in case we get wiped-out down here on the ground. Of course, we need to teach them how to build more of themselves. This doesn't seem so far-fetched anymore, does it? - Kurt Starnes