BBC News - UN nuclear watchdog refers Syria to Security Council -
"The UN nuclear watchdog has decided to report Syria to the UN Security Council over its alleged covert nuclear programme, diplomats have said." - Lit
"The board of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) voted to rebuke the country over claims it had built an undeclared nuclear reactor. The alleged structure, which Syria has maintained was a non-nuclear military site, was destroyed by Israel in 2007. The IAEA move comes as Syrian troops crack down on weeks of protests. Desert site At the IAEA meeting at its headquarters in Vienna, 17 countries voted for and six against, including Russia and China. Diplomats said that overall 11 countries of the 35-member board of governors abstained and one country was absent from the vote. The last time the IAEA referred a country to the Security Council was in the case of Iran, in February 2006. Thursday's motion was proposed by the US and its Western allies who had asked the IAEA's governing body to find Syria in "non-compliance" with its international obligations. Syria is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which gives it the right to enrich its own fuel for civil nuclear power, under inspection from the IAEA. But it has also signed a safeguards agreement with the IAEA under which it is obliged to notify the UN's nuclear watchdog of any plans to construct a new nuclear facility. Israel bombed the desert site of the alleged reactor - near Deir Alzour in the country's remote north-east - in September 2007. it had built an undeclared nuclear reactor. The alleged structure, which Syria has maintained was a non-nuclear military site, was destroyed by Israel in 2007. The IAEA move comes as Syrian troops crack down on weeks of protests. Desert site At the IAEA meeting at its headquarters in Vienna, 17 countries voted for and six against, including Russia and China. Diplomats said that overall 11 countries of the 35-member board of governors abstained and one country was absent from the vote. The last time the IAEA referred a country to the Security Council was in the case of Iran, in February 2006. Thursday's motion was proposed by the US and its Western allies who had asked the IAEA's governing body to find Syria in "non-compliance" with its international obligations. Syria is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which gives it the right to enrich its own fuel for civil nuclear power, under inspection from the IAEA. But it has also signed a safeguards agreement with the IAEA under which it is obliged to notify the UN's nuclear watchdog of any plans to construct a new nuclear facility. Israel bombed the desert site of the alleged reactor - near Deir Alzour in the country's remote north-east - in September 2007." - Lit
Ah, now I know why I saw the headline about Syrians pouring into Turkey now. - Halil