Re: Where Should Mobile Developers Focus? -
"Fred I think you might be missing a point here. The 25% iPhone users are demographically very different, and from a use-case pov are also much more likely to adopt smart phone software. Android could have large shares of handsets but low shares of app users. Instinctively that feels like the case to me. So Apple's share of handsets significantly under-measures its software footprint. To put the same thing another way (and this is a sociological point) Android is the equivalent of Symbian. Its free, hand set makers will embrace it, but the users who get the phones will not be early stage software users. If you want to make a real impact IoS is the clear front runner and the first to focus on as a developer. Android is a nice-to-have. HTML5 is a good way to go for some apps but if you need to be native and porting doesn't cut it for your app, do iPhone first." - Keith Teare