RT @EFF: BREAKING: President Obama supports neutrality rules via Title II reclassification. http://www.whitehouse.gov/net-neu...
RT @lizhenry: Looks good! Shared blocklists. https://t.co/3D06hw4toG
RT @OaklandElle: No, but seriously... if someone wants to help me and @Faustrate move the second half of my china cabinet this week, that'd be awesome.
RT @petertoddbtc: @puellavulnerata Bitcoin Core supports using both at once, and doing so means both your ISP and Tor need to attack you simultaneously.
RT @bitemyapp: Tutorial on building a JSON REST API in Haskell from a fellow Texan http://taylor.fausak.me/2014...
RT @kpoulsen: http://SwartzFiles.com now holds all the #AaronSwartz documents, videos, photos and code released (so far) by the government, MIT and JSTOR
RT @taariqlewis: SF Bitcoin devs Sunday lab w/ #namecoin & #bitcoin w/ #DNSchain by @okTurtles. X509 Systems & MITM. thnx @bitpay! https://twitter.com/taariql...
RT @Dymaxion: @astepanovich This is some mirror world were USAF wasn't already a massive betrayal, right?
RT @whysecuritysf: Reminder: whysecurity 11-2 tomorow http://tinyletter.com/whysecu...
RT @puellavulnerata: Looks like @loldoxbin has produced more complete documentation on one of the attacked hidden services: https://t.co/MS8ZS6vWtB
RT @RT4_Chicago: More bills will see the Senate floor with GOP in charge. Let's make sure a Section 215 extention isn't one of them. http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion...
RT @MeredithFrost: Berlin is commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall with 8,000 glowing balloons. Amazing. http://www.wired.com/2014... https://twitter.com/Meredit...
RT @verge: .@Harvard secretly installed cameras in lecture halls to monitor student attendance http://www.theverge.com/2014...
RT @djon3s: @kaepora @zmanian "Bit singer"
According to this fortune cookie the NSA is about to shut down... https://twitter.com/zmanian...
RT @RogerDingledine: If your #Tor relay is stolen or you lose control of it, please report it so we can blacklist it: https://t.co/imVnrh1FbD @TorProject
Really hard to get into programming flow when headphones have been forgotten...
RT @flamsmark: So @AtomEditor now has official .deb packages, but no repo and no authentication. One step at a time, I guess. http://blog.atom.io/2014...
RT @headhntr: "All phones are tapped. All strangers are the police." -- @attackerman #EncryptNews #OpSec
RT @EFF: 77 esteemed computer scientists and tech pioneers urge Supreme Court to rule APIs can’t be copyrighted https://t.co/9yVhxKWXr8
RT @jgrahamc: In 2012, I said that @CloudFlare's logging system was generating 15GB per minute. Just checked, now it's 120GB per minute / 170TB per day.
RT @xeni: #EncryptNews #Snowden “If we allow that to continue, we don't have visibility into their actions, we can't make informed decisions” 2/2
RT @xeni: #EncryptNews #Snowden “We're seeing a trend toward governtments conducting themselves in secret without consent or awareness of public.” 1/2
RT @sarahjeong: OK look this is why I'm not worried about encryption thwarting crimesolving and terror-stopping. Criminals and terrorists are fucking stupid
RT @headhntr: The now: surprise guest Edward Snowden addresses #EncryptNews https://twitter.com/headhnt...
RT @xeni: #Snowden at #EncryptNews: “When FBI Director Comey asks for a 'front door,' we should remind him he already has one. It's called a warrant.”
RT @bcrypt: there are worldwide hackathons this weekend for what would be Aaron Swartz's birthday. I'll be at the sf one: http://www.aaronswartzday.org/sanfran...
RT @naval: .@uber takes 10+ cars off the road per Uber. Turns garages into gardens, parking lots into parks.
RT @btcdrak: Howto Locate Tor Hidden service? BGP redirect/DOS routers, map IPv4 until site unavailable, rinse, repeat to zero in geo zmap.io @torproject
RT @kmett: Video from my LambdaJam talk on Fast Purely-Functional Cache-Oblivious Maps is now online: https://t.co/1Z9KZqcE4C
RT @acarvin: .@headhntr: People are obssessed with NSA’s capabilities, but there are tons of govts targeting news orgs. #EncryptNews