
I am a Medium
RT @guardian: How Justin Trudeau neutralised the Trumpshake with a clever combination of timing, balance and control https://t.co/ptaxwbgPgV
RT @Bayonetta_zs: 想了想,还是不适合在微博这种已经自我阉割的平台上让本身就无暇反思自我人生和周边人权现状的大多数国人来看。 摘自V2EX上一段ShadowSocks作者clowwindy对项目和国内社会一些现状的评价: https://t.co/bzZlxj
为什么本站收 tweet 最后的 url 经常被截断 - mr. lambert
大多数民众根本关心不到这一层面 因为与他们的现充生活无关 - 骨古头坏死
RT @CNN: President Donald Trump shook the Japanese Prime Minister's hand for 19 whole seconds https://t.co/uhFYMZVk5n https://t.co/B4Nv4qsN
RT @verge: Black Mirror's terrifying robot bees may soon be reality https://t.co/QUttgH8rb8
RT @thetimes: War crimes don’t matter, says Assad after it was revealed that 13,000 inmates were hanged at a prison near Damascus https://t…
中国法官谴责特朗普破坏司法独立...... https://t.co/5vzDHRC8Sm
上海公布第一批河长名单:将覆盖全市河湖 https://t.co/NgrZ29XNkw /一个古老的职业“河长”又复活了
RT @farbodsaraf: Stare at the white dot for 10 seconds, then look at Van Gogh's Starry Night https://t.co/NbDLfJqQvT
赵作海五年账单:65万国家赔偿是如何花光的 - https://t.co/0jg0xU7Q8l via @_feedspot
RT @CNN: College students from around the world raced pods in a Hyperloop competition https://t.co/F6Lx7rD1bO https://t.co/yqjxBHWW96
Japan policymakers reject Trump devaluation claims - https://t.co/blq3vFG22y via @_feedspot
RT @C4Ciaran: The 14th Amendement confers the right of American citizenship on children born in America. Trump wants it stopped.
RT @AndreaWoo: Just wanted to point out that the White House press secretary now prints and holds up tweets the president has issues with h…
RT @niubi: Facebook Is Trying Everything to Re-Enter China—and It’s Not Working - WSJ chicomnet hopeless for fb https://t.co/SQdZrLMl36
RT @GreatDismal: Rubbing Trump's head will almost certainly be @jimmyfallon's single truly lasting moment in history. Image and infamy, dow…
Scientists have confirmed a brand new form of matter: time crystals - https://t.co/esi2WA5puw via @_feedspot
RT @fangshimin: 科学家们正在筹备在华盛顿也举行一次科学大游行,具体日期未定,已经有三十多万人在Facebook关注了。https://t.co/LmB7HpGrwR
我感觉这里面深藏膜蛤。。 https://t.co/nKc340OLI7
RT @CNN: President Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do https://t.co/L2Jt5h84vk https://t.co/nBWsHuSfQV
美帝裸官。。 https://t.co/S6fqK6Azm6
RT @realDonaldTrump: Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall!
摩拜单车获得富士康战略投资 产能提升到每年千万辆车 - https://t.co/Hl9XSHc77t via @_feedspot
RT @ulywang: Fake Trump tweets proliferate on Chinese social media to poke fun at companies/manipulate stock prices? #onlyinchina https://t…
童鞋侬有点儿脸盲啊 - mr. lambert
说同一个人有点夸张了,神态确实很像的。 - K.D.
工信部:未经批准不得自建或租用VPN - https://t.co/R0sXXhnkkR via @_feedspot
RT @Techmeme: Cyprus-based Outfit7, developer of Talking Tom app, acquired for $1B by Chinese consortium https://t.co/djl1EXmMtX https://t.…
Chinese president to defend globalisation in Davos - https://t.co/YCS5bR1GUT via @_feedspot
好好笑 - Paul
RT @jack: @kfury @Twitter @POTUS @VP https://t.co/zvtZnMt1rA
RT @Crazyinnasia: When the Japanese prime minister merges into traffic. (Via https://t.co/OnxpFLxqHU) https://t.co/hS1lBNWwu0
RT @Daenerys: Iwan Rheon (Ramsay Bolton) is playing Hitler in a new TV Movie. https://t.co/3ihAXFWbHs
用户沉淀在支付机构的资金,支付机构不能再自由支配了 - https://t.co/J4nsymOqTc via @_feedspot
RT @farbodsaraf: This is how people ignored each other before smartphones https://t.co/hlqYnOp8FS