
I am a Medium
RT @chrislhayes: You can feel this air of almost grief-stricken sadness in all the answers. It's like everyone's at a funeral for American…
RT @BNONews: VIDEO: Donald Trump delivers taped statement on tape in which he makes lewd comments about women https://t.co/OqlVtpZS3G
RT @letscorp: 墙外楼 《星洲日报》窥探汶莱伊斯兰刑法:当穆斯林占多数的时候,世俗社会无处容身 https://t.co/ba4itjJ8s2
Maria Sharapova won her appeal for taking a banned substance and can play again in April - https://t.co/pWg2gIU0Nk via @_feedspot
太好了 - Paul
RT @benparr: Donald Trump had $916 million in LOSSES in 1995 alone, giving him a billion dollars' worth of tax write-offs. - https://t.co/P
美政府交出互联网域名管理权 全球共治互联网时代到来 - https://t.co/cXmlK9EZW7 via @_feedspot
以后墙国搞域名污染更容易了! - mr. lambert
RT @nytchinese: 【美国国会批准9·11家属起诉沙特,推翻总统决定】美参议院以两党多数票推翻了奥巴马对一项关于9·11的立法的否决。该法案将允许9·11死难者家属追究沙特在事件中的责任。这项法律“可能会给国防部及其服役人员造成极大的冲击,”奥巴马写道。https:…
It’s tough being over 40 in Silicon Valley https://t.co/E17NsoV5tv via @BW
怎么没@花叔? - Paul
直接推上转的,看里面的故事比较凄凉 - K.D.
整形,做发型,穿潮衣什么的,让自己看起来年轻点 - K.D.
花叔喜欢粉色啊 - yinhm
RT @9GAGGifs: L0L Poor Guy #DebateNight https://t.co/tqHR9j6FE9
门? - Paul
RT @ChineseWSJ: 【视频:台湾众玩家追逐Pokemon Go稀有精灵致交通瘫痪】-周六一大批Pokemon Go玩家为追逐一只稀有的小精灵而蜂拥穿行街道,场面罕见,交通受阻。据台湾警方,游戏入驻台湾头三天,有1210人因在开车时玩这款游戏而被开罚单。 https:…
RT @qz: Hao Jingfang’s Hugo award-winning sci-fi story is eerily real for some Beijingers https://t.co/6zqGDYCAKD
RT @jayrosen_nyu: Nick Denton turns the lights out at Gawker. https://t.co/7saaNDDDfw His is the final post.
RT @AP: Experts: China's quantum satellite launch a big step to develop ability to send communications that can't be hacked. https://t.co/i
RT @washingtonpost: Meet the 74-year-old great grandmother who coached Wayde van Niekerk to his world record smashing 400 meter dash https:…
其实今天最厉害的是这个400米。 - Paul
他的教练老奶奶也很厉害,培养了几个。 - K.D.
RT @qz: A Chinese Olympic swimmer received about $50,000 in virtual gifts in a live-streaming-app Q&A https://t.co/mTpADGnLBq
RT @THR: #Homeland creator talks female president, answers question of Quinn's fate https://t.co/9hgcE9QQi9 https://t.co/EZEfXhVDWg
RT @qz: Soylent laced its latest drink with caffeine and an anxiety-reducing supplement https://t.co/KkYFlEXnbX
RT @kevin2kelly: Know your Chinese internet meme: https://t.co/a6PPCS08eu https://t.co/zMLFp5svLf
Quip + Salesforce = Big News https://t.co/HDYXIM4z7r
又卖了啊 - yinhm
是啊,连环startup卖家! - K.D.
跟人大妈炒房炒店铺有啥子区别 - yinhm
RT @EWErickson: Text just now from a senior House Republican who gave me permission to tweet this: “We were supposed to make that sort of s…
RT @mgsiegler: Will never not be able to see this. https://t.co/RXFhm5k8qR
RT @mranti: 朝鲜重启加密间谍广播,半岛紧张局势升级 https://t.co/M6XndK7qKI
RT @AndrewLawton: I just interviewed this woman, who has the greatest job in the world. Post-convention balloon popper. #RNCinCLE https://t…
RT @alexismadrigal: Mussolini, in a rare English speech, saluted "my fellow citizens, who are working to make America great." https://t.co/
RT @AP: BREAKING: Hong Kong court: Student leader Joshua Wong guilty for rally that sparked 2014 protests.
RT @BNONews: MORE: Trump staff writer says Melania provided Michelle Obama quotes as example and she mistakenly included them https://t.co/
RT @futurism: WATCH - This Incredible Short Film Looks at the Frightening Potential of Virtual Reality https://t.co/8OS2en8gau
RT @nytchinese: 这是美国悬而未决的最大谜团之一:1971年,一个自称丹·库珀的男人劫持了一架飞机。在拿到20万美元现金后,他释放了机上36名乘客,然后带着赎金跳伞,从此不见踪影。 经过45年事无巨细但没有结果的调查,FBI于上周正式宣布搁置此案。 https:/…
RT @WSJ: SoftBank agrees to buy ARM Holdings for more than $32 billion https://t.co/A1NjAZaTAI
RT @AJEnglish: In Pictures: #Turkey's coup attempt captured in dramatic images https://t.co/TatZrzVUlU https://t.co/zmNyYe7xyR