tchiseen on Sky news panic after showing of Charlie Hebdo cover -
"Sky "News"" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on People suck sometimes -
"I like how the second line of any article you read is blatant cyclist blaming. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Videographer flies drone over Chicago to document what it looks like while frozen solid -
"Spoken like a true Chicagoan. Chicago is a pretty unique place." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on How not to respond on Riots gift vs how to respond -
"I got like Workshop Poppy or something. If I had known, I would have been more toxic." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Elon Musk says Hydrogen is a pretty much a waste of time to help power automobiles. Is he wrong? -
"It's important to note that Musk has a vested interest in the success of batteries as a technology. [His companies are focused on creating batteries.](" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Family Feud question about 'something annoying a cyclist might do' causes backlash -
""not reflect the view of *all* Australians.... just **MOST** Australians"" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Family Feud question about 'something annoying a cyclist might do' causes backlash -
"How about this? Name Ten good things a Cyclist might do: 1. Get to work faster than someone who takes public transportation 2. Spend 1/10th the amount on transportation than someone who relies on public transportation 3. Spend 1/100th then someone who relies on a car 3. Create zero greenhouse gas emissions 4. Get *way* more exercise than you 5. Kill roughly 1200 fewer people than motorists every year in Australia 5. Participate in charity events like MS Gong Ride, Great Bike Ride, and many many more 8. Represent their country in one of nine cycling events at the Summer Olympics (Australia took home 6 medals in Cycling in 2012) 9. Find a parking spot at the shopping center 10. Skip leg day" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on BoxBox having hallucinations on his 24+ hour stream -
"I baylieve" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Champion Update: Tristana -
"Tristana, now 100% more Zuna" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Didn't check my straw stores for a while... -
"So you figured out how to track stocks, and didn't start tracking straw. Oh well there's always next time!" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Simple Wu-tang face I chucked together -
"This watchface is not something to fuck with" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Ship Your Enemies Glitter -
"This is evil genius on the scale of Dr. Evil evil." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The truth about tipping and why it's bad. -
"I got a bottle of beer at a bar in Chicago one time after waiting way too long for the dude to pay attention to me, crack it open and hand it to me. I paid by credit card, go home, the next week, the guy put an extra dollar on the charge without telling me. Unreal" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on New game mode: RNGesus -
"As you're walking to lane you may or may not get hip checked into the baron pit by your own minions" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Let us combine the sightstone with a tier 2 gold income support item to save a slot for other items -
"How about one that lets you drop two pink wards" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL in San Francisco the homeless can take care of puppies and get paid for it. -
"In California there is a real correlation to mental health and homelessness." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Lyte's smite is nice, but players need a more reliable way of getting their chatbans reviewed - Review Tokens - Behavior Review -
"A review of player behaviour management systems, brought to you by /u/WillyWankerFagtory" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Damning evidence of how formulaic pop country has become -
"To be fair, country music has always been about the same, it's not just 'new' pop country that sounds like this, I'm sure." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL David Phillips paid just over $3000 for pudding to receive 1.25 million frequent flyer miles. He also received $800 back in tax deductions for donating most of the puddings to charity. -
"You can usually take whatever offer they mention and multiply by eight. It's called "Denied Boardings" and it's a legal thing. It's a tracked stat, so airlines want to minimize the "Involuntary Denied Boarding" count." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on This creep block thing is out of control -
"I think at that point you have to just /dance" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Walked into Breitling today.. -
">trying to sell me an $11k watch. He's a salesperson, and he was just stroking your ego." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Jack of all trades -
"Exactly right. The way I look at it is if you have anyone but the most competent person working on a workshop, they're wasting time, so I try to make sure that people don't have jobs they're not good at." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on The Australian Publish Tabloid Trash - ‘PM, give up the bike' -
"Isn't The Australian a Rupert Murdoch owned business?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Scarra getting completely destroyed -
"Alley^Oop" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL In 2009, Stanford MBA students were given $5 and told the generate as much revenue as possible. Some teams bought lottery tickets or used slot machines but the winning team made $650 by selling its presentation slot to a small local company -
"In this case, it's more of a thought experiment. There's the assumption that the answer to "what would you do if you knew you could not fail?" will have a meaningful answer if you probe hard enough." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Reddit Sob Story Generator -
"my bed ridden father who's dog died of HIV ran a marathon for poor children with disabilities and 77 years ago today they dissapeared it even has the typos and terrible grammar of a winning /r/pics post title . Brilliant" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Reddit Sob Story Generator -
"> On this day in 1918 a wonderful poor niece who is dying of cancer started a website for veterans with autism That's some advanced technology.;" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Working on Christmas wasn't too bad. -
"This makes me happy that I have a full time job." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL a study of 2 million insurance claims concluded that 9 of the top 10 occupations causing car accidents are medical-field related, with the most accidents being caused by Surgeons and GPs -
"In the same way that his car is insured, his job is insured too. See Medical Indemnity Insurance" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on IBM's Watson builds personality profiles from user submitted blocks of text -
"Watson is so cool. How long have you been working with it? How has it changed? I'm generally of the opinion that Watson is going to be massively successful because of how it's being created and shared. The things that you can do with information are really exciting." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on IBM's Watson builds personality profiles from user submitted blocks of text -
"I put some of my old cover letters into this and found some interesting numbers: Self-Expression - 10% Authority Challenging - 97% Openness to change - 88% With that in mind, this would be a neat little tool to 'write the perfect email'" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Official East Coast server frustration/venting thread -
">Downvoting mods Sorry, what makes mods immune from downvotes? Same rules apply for every post I see. If it's something I don't want to see, I downvote it." - Will Higgins™