tchiseen on TIL that the 10 richest women in the world all inherited their wealth from either their father or late husband. -
"> Alice Walton > Net worth: $34.3 billion > Country: United States > The daughter of Wal-Mart ... The biggest philanthropist of the Walton family, she gave more than $2 million in 2012 to support charter school initiatives. 2,000,000/ 34,300,000,000 ~= 0.0000583090379 So she donated 0.006% of her total wealth to charity a couple years ago, and she's the MOST philanthropic of the Walton family. It'd be like an American with an [Average Net Worth]( donating $17.55." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Lack of professionalism in League. -
"The tweets have been deleted, what do they say?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Only 3rd time this has happened in Wheel of Fortune history -
"The guy with the eyebrows in the first video. Brilliant." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Sennheiser is getting really weird with their latest commercial -
"The E giving the ear a little hug at the end was cute." - Will Higgins™
"OCE represent" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL A few years ago former Nokia CEO said that Nokia adopting Android is like a Finnish boy peeing his pants to stay warm -
"And adopting windows was like that same boy shitting in his hand and then rubbing said shit all over himself so that the other kids at school would leave him alone." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on That's one way to deal with pedestrians in the bike lane.... -
"Or just jaywalkers" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Yes, we’re being bought by Microsoft [Mojang confirmation] -
"> I love you. All of you. Thank you for turning Minecraft into what it has become ... it’s belonged to all of you for a long time, and that will never change. Too right. If you love something, then let it go." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on (X-post from fishing) Man catches a huge marlin on a hand line. -
"Read "Old man and the Sea". That is all" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Bike racks done properly -
"That's how I see it, but I'm a cyclist. I count spots for 10 bicycles in that one spot. That's great efficiency. I imagine most drivers would actually be thinking *look at this perfectly good parking space that's being wasted*" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on This is a terrible answer from today's Wheel of Fortune. -
"Against high quality competition like "SURF CLAY WHERE WE GO" Guy?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Millenium vs Unicorns of Love / EU Spring Promotion Tournament / Post-Match Discussion -
"Their 'oddball' picks actually sound like they were well considered and tested lane matchups from players with solid game sense. I suspect that their 'oddball' picks might influence a meta when they play in the LCS>" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on James Corden (New host of The Late Late Show) on a British talk show playing a game called Send to All. Hardest I've laughed in a very long time. -
"Now if it were Michael McIntyre we'd be in business" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TMZ releases video of Ray Rice knocking out fiancé in elevator. -
"Do they same people who run the NFL also run Reddit?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on JJ Watt what do rich people buy -
"That's why he gets the big money" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Riot, here is Dominion's final ultimatum -
"I think this guy put it well when he said >a game mode that is ... considered a joke Everything else he said was faff. Riot has no interest in killing their game in the name of 'showing some love' to a fucking joke game mode. I bet they wish they had the idea of 'temporary' modes when they released Dominion." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Time to talk -
"I don't know why everyone expects the admins of a community as shitty as Reddit's to be anything but hypocrites. It's not like this community has much of a moral high ground to retreat to. If the "fine" folks who frequent this website know about subreddits like /r/deadbabies or whatever and choose to ignore them, they're literally no better than the site admins." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on A little trick to do with a friendly yasuo -
"swag cow" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Cyclists’ complaints drive joggers off Cairns Esplanade path | Cairns Post -
">runners use ... designated bike path. Not a fan of this article's title. What is it with the Australian News Media and cyclist hate?" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Dawn of War II update removes GFWL -
"GFWL is dead, long live GFWL. Maybe I'll play DOW2 some more this weekend!" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Discussion/Suggestion] Give us the option to buy a clean lvl 30 summoner, linked to our main account -
"I recently had to transfer accounts from NA to OCE. My bad luck there was something wrong with the system that does transfers (rito pls) and I was stuck for more than 2 weeks without my account. I had purchased RP specifically to do the region transfer, which was not available to me, and I wanted to play ranked and I wanted to play with real champions and not just the free week ones. I looked into purchasing an account and selling my old account in NA, and the only thing that stopped me is that all of the MANY account selling sites didn't have many good options for accounts on the OCE server. If the option existed as the OP suggested, I would not have purchased the RP for the transfer and just purchased a smurf and played on that from day 1." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on CLG vs. Crs. Academy, EG vs. Coast, coL vs. Team8 - NA LCS Spring Promotion Schedule -
"I read that as twice in the mouth." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on TIL chipotle uses 97,000 pounds of avocado per day. -
"And the circle of TIL reposts continues" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Apache Helicopter Vs. 20 Taliban Fighter -
"No, freedom costs a buck 'o five" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Streamlining the guest experience for End of Trip - Nice setup for cyclists in Perth -
"That looks like a pretty big facility and very well fitted. It's good to see that building corps are taking these kinds of facilities seriously and considering them when it comes to increasing their perceived value." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on For everyone who has ever woken up early to beat traffic, only to be beat by the'll feel this guy's rage. (NSFW language) -
""I've got to wait at the lights, I'm on tele. Of course, I always wait at the lights" So if you get mad at cyclists for waiting at lights you're getting mad at Richard Hammond too, don't forget." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on [Spoiler] Cloud 9 vs Team SoloMid / NA LCS Final / Post-Match Discussion -
"Life is Bay" - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Overwelmed Australian - Seeking straight razor advice -
"Yeah, I'm currently waiting for them to get some things in stock that I like. Other retailers have stock and are priced comparably, but I'm not in a hurry and they've been so good that I want to keep shopping there." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Overwelmed Australian - Seeking straight razor advice -
"I'm a DE guy myself, so I can't share your pain there. Only thing I can suggest is try asking them about what you're looking for. They've been responsive and helpful when I've communicated with them so far." - Will Higgins™
tchiseen on Schick creates #BecomingMyDad hashtag to convince youth that 5 blades are better -
tchiseen on Overwelmed Australian - Seeking straight razor advice -
"As an Australian I can greatly recommend []( Everyone who's ordered from them has found the same thing; incredibly quick shipping and good service. While some online retailers in the US will ship to AUS, why not support the local retailers? I figure it'll pay off in the long run." - Will Higgins™