Tyler Gillies

I wanted an update #throughglass
RT @alanlepo: "I rarely sell technology. I focus on selling a solution to a business problem, using technology. " - @johnhead http://www.johndavidhead.com/jhead...
RT @LibertyBlitz: Lots of chatter on this potential Constitution Convention with 34 states now calling for it (the number required). Would be first since 1787
RT @GonzoHacker: JavaScript isn't an object-oriented language, it's more object-curious
RT @anildash: LOL at suggestions to use a hackintosh. "Spend a ton of time building a machine & wrestling with the OS, and it might even work!"
Metadata is data
RT @Nivo0o0: @howardlindzon so liberal arts majors do come out of college with domain expertise after all... http://Must.Add.Exception.To.Thiel.Post.
RT @howardlindzon: Cannabis is a next great investing frontier I am using @getLittleBird to zero in on knowledge and experts across web. #weed #marijuana
RT @balticblond: I want to DUMP COMCAST! Please Google, PLEASE COME to SE Portland! #googlefiber Learn more: https://fiber.google.com/newciti... http://twitpic.com/dw1qzq
RT @Gr8stInstrumnts: New slang for unconfirmed transactions? Dorians #Bitcoin @DorianSatoshi
I'm not as privileged as you want me to believe I am
Ha this is brilliant! Way to go Google! - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
Tryon Creek State Park Hike - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
turns out ants really love bacon grease - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
+Don Park working on cointhink with +Klint Finley in background #indiewebcamp - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
+Justin Houk reminds me of you - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
Anyone want a summer job in pdx? Got this on the street lol - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
interesting mountain dew can i saw at food cart today - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...
tumblr_mo5phtGm4X1suxl3oo1_500.jpg - https://picasaweb.google.com/1023070...