“@AJELive: Suicide car bomb explodes near US military base in Afghan capital #Kabul, city's police chief says. #Afghanistan.”
RT @lorawtn: Greta just reported on the confirmed explosions in Kabul 2 hours after POTUS left.
Can someone suggest a non-profit in the SF Bay area that could make use of some older routers & misc computer stuff?
RT @om: Mor argues Apple buy Foursquare and Square and outlines why it is a good idea. Also Best headline ever or what? http://gigaom.com/2012...
Leaders who work off of instinct are "diminishers"? Not sure I agree w the theory. Leadership multipliers &diminisher? http://t.co/GVhmBIcD”
Kinda excited that One World Trade Center will become NYC's tallest building later today. http://news.blogs.cnn.com/2012... but @same time little nervous
Q: Will CrowdFanatic work? A Facebook App for Fanboys & the Brands That Love Them http://allthingsd.com/2012043.... A: No. But can they pivot?
“@dlature: @tinagillmor Any ETA on when 4-27 show will be up?” Yes, today 10am PT, as usual. Enjoy.
RT @iC: Gillmor Gang live, @borthwick calls a bubble - http://techcrunch.com/2012...
RT“@tomscott I got annoyed with Klout, so I made Klouchebag. It's the standard for measuring asshattery. http://t.co/kbz1eM6V” Totally fun!
Via @nprnews: Culture, Not Biology, Shapes Language http://www.npr.org/blogs... Fascinating look @ language. Fun grappling w/ these concepts.
RT“@ajkeen @scobleizer @stevegillmor we should do a gang show in May on privacy” That's Soooo 2008 ;-)
“@hardaway: I'm at Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Comm (Phoenix, AZ) http://t.co/oWBM09Mt” say hello to my BIL @dangillmor 4me
Shoot! Was just about to FINALLY make Evernote my pal. Should I hold off? “@KevinGoldsmith: #evernote sync fail. Lost a ton of work. Feh.”
“@wildebees: @Scobleizer @TinaGillmor is there a write up on what @ajkeen said somewhere?” Looking for it myself. Let me know what you find.
Does Klout mean everything or nothing? You decide. Then tell me ;-) http://www.wired.com/epicent... Do we need to talk about this on GG? #GillmorGang
Faculty call to distance Notre Dame from Jenky’s ‘incendiary statement’ comparing Obama to Hitler & Stalin. AAA jerk! http://www.ndsmcobserver.com/viewpoi...
Kudos to @Arrington for taking an important stand on something that's not tech. Thoughts On Marriage: http://uncrunched.com/2012... via @Uncrunched
RT @sponselli: Thanx @Rackspace & @newtekinc for sponsoring Gillmor Gang. Good talk, fresh ideas. Check it out in iTunes Store>Podcasts. @stevegillmor
RT @kevinmarks: live now on Gillmor Gang with @SteveGillmor @jtaschek @KeithTeare and @scobleizer debating web vs mobile apps http://www.building43.com/realtim...
Me thinks this headline should be reworded.“@cnnbrk: Secret Service prostitution probe expands in #Colombia. http://t.co/eJnjBJAx”
The late, great Levon Helm. http://t.co/OzD9PUHa Now he's together w/ Richard & Rick probably making some beautiful sounds in music heaven.
RT @JesseLaGreca: Michele Bachmann uses the term "tar baby" to describe Obama. Your racist dog whistle is an air raid siren, you ignorant bigot #fail #batshit
I just connected my @klout account with Foursquare. Connect and see how your @klout improves! https://www.facebook.com/dialog...
RT @charlieisaacs: @kevinmarks @stevegillmor @dbfarber @Scobleizer Live now on Gillmor Gang just had a good discussion about Apple & DOJ, talking Twitter now
“@cfinke: What if when you peeled a banana, instead of it being banana on the inside, it was ten Oreos? " call it Bananeo!?
“@stevegillmor: Gillmor Gang recording live today 1pm PT participate at http://t.co/706JOaz2" yep it's Friday & I'm ready! See you all soon
My friend Adam Traum only needs a few extra $s to meet his Kickstart goal for his music project. Can you push him over? http://www.kickstarter.com/project...
RT @jromeh: Liked "GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at http://www.building43.com/realtim..." http://friendfeed.com/realtim...