I dwell in the grassy meadow, bathed in sunshine and heavy with the smell of Jasmine and Clover. Calm and... https://www.facebook.com/photo...
Happy 21st Wedding Anniversary to my one & only life partner, @stevegillmor. I love you forever & always. (Must be true since I tweeted it!)
RT @niallohiggins: Periodically I see a “Gillmor Gang” headline on TC. Then I realize it’s not “Gilmour”, has nothing to do with Pink Floyd & am disappointed.
RT @amywhiggins: Watching now #gillmorgang RT @tinahui: The Gillmor Gang is on now: http://friendfeed.com/realtim... Join live now, or on Techcrunch tomorrow.
Gillmor Gang talking Google+, rules, filters. @Scobleizer is about to explode! http://www.building43.com/realtim... Oh my goodness.
RT “@dannysullivan: Could we get a Logan's Run remake already?” I'll second that!
RT @kevinmarks: live now on the @TinaGillmor-less Gillmor Gang http://techcrunch.com/2012... with @stevegillmor @jtaschek @kteare @scobleizer Has Apple won at TV?
I just unlocked the "Bravo Newbie" badge on @foursquare for checking in at one of Bravo's favorite locations! https://foursquare.com/tinagil...
RT @danielabarbosa: i might actually be able to listen in today- finally! RT @stevegillmor: GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PSThttp://www.building43.com/realtim...
R any iPad users out there tapping their laptop screens & thinking "geez, am I locked up?" just happened to me for 2 min. @stevegillmor
I'm having an issue with Alamo car rental. Can't find them on twitter. Anyone know them in a social media sort of way? Suggestions?
Oops I meant great live footage of NASA control room here. Fingers are crossed for a safe Mars landing. Exciting! http://tacticalentertainment.tv/nasa-ma...
NASA gears up for Curiosity landing on Mars. Great scene inside control room http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl...
RT “@terrycojones: Just listened to my first ever Gillmor Gang. Relaxed & funny, like a high-tech Car Talk. Nice job http://techcrunch.com/2012...
Just needed a break from reality. (@ Century at Tanforan and XD for Total Recall) https://foursquare.com/tinagil...
RT @stevegillmor: GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at http://www.building43.com/realtim... http://friendfeed.com/realtim...
RT@markaguinn: "Facebook review finds 83 million false or duplicated accounts http://www.smartbrief.com/news... Oops. My daughter has a few!
Two good things to report. 1) Westin Verasa Napa (Love this hotel btw) has found my hubby's car keys . Steve lost... https://www.facebook.com/TinaCha...
There's a pesky fly buzzing around the Gillmor Gang studio. Will make 4 some ridiculous moments when we record @1pm PT! http://www.building43.com/realtim...
Time to crush fear. RT @jtaschek: "Most Organizations Still Fear Social Media - by @BradleyAnthonyJ http://blogs.hbr.org/cs...
RT @Kulturvampir: "Photo: Nexus 7 to become new monster platform in technology world war, @stevegillmor predicts:... http://kulturvampir.tumblr.com/post...
RT @pstokes: @navbassi Seeking out a Nexus 7, but Victoria, BC is sold out. Wow. @stevegillmor & gang convinced me it was worth buying.
RT@abmendez: " I just came across the Gillmor Gang today & will be a regular viewer going forward.... sweet video setup."
Dark and grim but sets up sequel nicely. Go see if you're a Batman fan (@ Century at Tanforan and XD) https://foursquare.com/tinagil...
We're having a great Google Nexus tablet discussion on Gillmor Gang live right now http://techcrunch.com/2012...
RT @markramsey: Another episode of the smartest tech show around, bitches! RT @stevegillmor: Gillmor Gang Live 07.20.12 (TCTV) http://techcrunch.com/2012...
RT @TechCrunch: Report: Longtime Google Exec Marissa Mayer Will Be Yahoo's New CEO http://techcrunch.com/2012... by @loyalelectron
#festivaldelsole Is fab. #tasteofNapa whet my appetite. Now my soul will be nourished w 24hr plays. Excited. Excellent #tweethouse