RT @anjagreszik: Wenn ich gerade die WM gewonnen hab & mich dann in der Heimat Helene Fischer begrüßt, würde ich direkt wieder zurückfliegen.
»You are a Subscriber! Your contribution helps keep Instapaper running. Thank you for your support.« Nice.
RT @2014Europarl: "Roaming charges must disappear!" @JunckerEU "We need to have a Single Digital market"
Who drinks sparkling water? Seriously, who does that shit?
RT @zmccune: 24 Hours as a New York Cab: - 53 Passengers - $590 in fares - $55 in tips Track an NYC Taxi: http://nyctaxi.herokuapp.com/
RT @DavidKenner: I'd just like to point out that Islamic Front military chief Zahran Alloush uses a Hello Kitty notebook. https://twitter.com/catesis...
RT @mspro: ich fühl mich bei der politikgehampel ggü den geheimdiensten wie in einem schlechten stück eines dürftig improvisierten laientheaters.
RT @mspro: „es wird derzeit noch geprüft, ob die nsa auch dosentelefone aus jughurtbechern anzapfen kann …“ http://www.spiegel.de/politik...
RT @FootballJester: Congratulations to North Korea on winning their 10th World Cup, and to Kim Jong-un for scoring all 92 goals!! https://twitter.com/Footbal...
RT @ersatzbank: Kein Witz: hier hält einer zum Lärm machen seine eingeschaltete Bohrmaschine (!) aus dem Fenster. Alle irre im Westen.
Ich bin gar kein Weltmeister. Ich saß nur auf einem Hocker und trank Bier.
Seems like you can’t go out with an attractive girl without hearing »You’re not dating? She’s the hottest girl you’ll meet« three times.
Football is not an excuse to dress like an idiot.
Giving Orange Is The New Black a chance. #s01e01
Verbally and physically aggressive journalist harassing me last night. Because I did not like Helene Fischer music. Yes. This happened.
Is there something good you can make out of port and prosecco?
RT @jkleske: Cutting your thumb makes you aware quickly how much of your day is about the skin of your thumb being able to touch glass.
Why Americans say ›soccer‹. http://www.theatlantic.com/interna...
RT @tschoof: Worst slogan ever? Zäune für Europa // Fences for Europe https://twitter.com/tschoof...
RT @jimrossignol: My kid just used the words "poor signal" to describe the flow of water from a tap.
RT @tschoof: There is a war between the ones who say that there is a war and the ones who say that there isn’t. – Leonard Cohen
So exited to meet @brewdog, @MikkellerBeer and Omnipollo today in Hamburg – and drink their beer. #braufest
Wann hat eigentlich mal jemand Youtubern empfohlen, dass alle 5 Sekunden ein Schnitt kommen muss?
Sie haben nicht geschwiegen - http://www.librarything.com/work...
Watching football in front of 2,000 year old Roman ruins at the Piazza Venezia.
Ich bin gerade im Supermarkt von Morgen. #eataly
Craft Beer 🍻 (@ Open Baladin) https://t.co/6gq3lkz2fw
So where can a Gin lover go in Rome? Jerry Thomas Project is closed today.
Roma. @ Piazza Venezia http://instagram.com/p...