Report: Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can't Read (CBS Detroit) :(
RT @AmandaStratton: The girl married her Prince. The bad guy is dead. It's a real Disney weekend here on Earth.
The Real History Of Twitter via @businessinsider
Just found some fantastic iPhone Dev Tutorials created by @rwenderlich
Reading @comScore Blog: 'Battle of the Browsers: Impacting Search Share'
The Guy Who Says He Owns 50% Of Facebook Just Filed A Boatload Of New Evidence -- And It's Breathtaking
Chicago school bans lunches brought from home -
PIMCO Officially Goes SHORT The US Treasury Market via @businessinsider
Happy Friday all!! :)
Objective C makes my head hurt - need to find a good tutorial/book/website/podcast/etc.
Ben Horowitz On Shifting Technologies: “Go Out And Build ‘Question Mark’ …” via @techcrunch
woah: @starbucks grande coffee has 4x the caffeine of @redbull. no wonder I like that stuff. ;)
RT @ShapeThrower: Don't listen to @hooeyspewer ;) .. You can never have too much caffiene @timepilot ... never .... ;D
Suddenly my triple grande latte just doesn't seem to cut it - Caffeine Content of Drinks via @EFdotcom
I'm about to "Sucker Punch" my wife. It's a good thing she loves me. The reviews are awful!
The Freight Train That Is Android (@bgurley / (via @Techmeme)
Good Morning all!
FUKUSHIMA: Reactors 5 & 6 Have Been Shut Down; Pressure Under Control At 3; Progress At 1, 2 & 4 via @businessinsider
RT @Michigan_mbball: 12-2 run to start the second half puts Michigan up 45-31 with 15:34 remaining #goblue
RT @pydanny: Hey @timepilot, I don't normally use itunes so I'm dealing with the update dance. In any case, these are prolly videos and not podcasts.
Obama's indecision on Libya has pushed Clinton over the edge (Joshua Hersh / The Daily)
The Times Announces Digital Subscription Plan (@jwpetersnyt / New York Times)
.@comcastcares Hubby called to switch my Mom's Internet to you and he is in a fight over her TV. They want to increase her tv bill $15/mo!
'POSSIBLE CATASTROPHE': Fuel Rods Exposed In Reactors 4,5,6; Four Reactor Units Have Core Damage via @businessinsider
Microsoft, RIM expected to unveil new, free hosted Blackberry service (@maryjofoley / All about...
lurker here coming out to say congratz @garyvee - looking forward to @dailygrape !!!
Kicking things off with 2009 Bordeaux at Whole Foods via @dailygrape
RT @acarvin: Estimates that 70% of rods at reactor 1 have been damaged; 33% at reactor 2. -AP
Just picked up a new 17inch MBP as a desktop replacement - hands down the best laptop I have ever used. The performance is crazy good!
AOL Asks Us If We Can Tone It Down via @techcrunch
What has Twitter become? via @radar
Twitter Drops The Ecosystem Hammer: Don’t Try To Compete With Us On Clients, Focus On Data And Verticals via @techcrunch