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RT @LisaBloom: In a week of Ferguson tragedy and disrespect one hero stands out like a ray of sunshine: Capt. Ron Johnson. Embodies how policing should be.
RT @JRehling: The new head of the Ferguson response is marching WITH the protesters and suddenly military weapons aren't needed. https://twitter.com/JRehlin...
RT @rachelheldevans: If they take away freedom of protest/press, it's not really America anymore. And if it's not America in #Ferguson, it's not America anywhere
RT @GovJayNixon: Closely monitoring situation & will be in North STL Co tomorrow. Ask for calm & urge law enforcement to respect rights of residents & press
RT @PzFeed: DEVASTATING PHOTO: Police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Via Chris Lee. https://twitter.com/PzFeed...
RT @ChrisWarcraft: It's amazing how CNN can go for three weeks on an airplane going down, but give them a legit civil rights crisis and it's NOPENOPENOPE.gif
RT @WesleyLowery: Apparently, in America, in 2014, police can manhandle you, take you into custody, put you in cell & then open the door like it didn't happen