farewell, verycd
what a shot
The very 1st day.
Akira Kurosawa is one of the greatest, indeed.
All i wish is a SNOW.
Happy new year.
Gorillaz - The Fall http://thefall.gorillaz.com/ via @Gorillaz.com
Merry X'mas to everyone.
Finally learned how to import the contacts from old Motorola phone to Android.
An interesting thing about gReader app: open a tag it will fetch the data from greader's server, but open a seed it's from seed server.
How to remove the region limitation of Android market - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
Official google reader app rocks!
Sooooo excited to learn a new trick.
Got a good Defy release for daily use.
[ZT]骑车的傻逼 牛逼 老逼 不管怎样都向你们致敬 - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
【ZT】自行车品牌之间的关系——我看完震惊了 - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
I earned the Lone Wolf sticker on @GetGlue! http://getglue.com/sureal...
室内设计几大配色不死定律 - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
【篇前篇】装修周记,始动!买房篇 - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
关于上周六(10月30日)黄草梁徒步活动的总结 - http://surealwxx.blogspot.com/2010...
那个不是触摸板只是操蛋的五向键。不是还是期待MS2吧,快有了别急@Jackyshadow Milestone的键盘真的是本机唯一的缺憾,由于那个触摸板,打起字来右手太费力了。要是telecom有milestone2该多好!
RT @calon: 在Adobe Max会议上,RIM的co-CEOMIke Lazaridis实际操作了Playbook,之后RIM的股票上涨5.5%。某些人表示,MIke Lazaridis为了这次演示能够和事先准备好的视频同步做出动作已经练习了一个月。
The Evolution of the Geek: http://www.flowtown.com/blog...
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