
Se siete qua non state facendo nulla, se non state facendo nulla fate fare qualcosa al vostro PC: www.worldcommunitygrid.org
I donated 42 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I earned a Gold badge by donating 90 days of cpu time to Drug Search for Leishmaniasis at WCG http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/researc... #wcgrid
I donated 169 days of cpu time to WCG during the past month http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I donated 41 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
RT @Miti_Vigliero: Cermis, il pilota confessa (http://espresso.repubblica.it/dettagl...) (Letterman, questo invece lo insegnano all'accademia dei marines,vero?)
I donated 37 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I earned a Bronze badge by donating 14 days of cpu time to GO Fight Against Malaria at WCG http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/researc... #wcgrid
I donated 39 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I earned a Silver badge by donating 45 days of cpu time to Drug Search for Leishmaniasis at WCG http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/researc... #wcgrid
I donated 40 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I earned a Sapphire badge by donating 2 years of cpu time to Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 at WCG http://t.co/2swyDgnb #wcgrid
I donated 36 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I donated 32 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I donated 151 days of cpu time to WCG during the past month http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I donated 39 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
I donated 34 days of cpu time to WCG during the past week http://t.co/gH87bXdY #wcgrid
L’immunità della Rai che sfida le class action - http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2011...
Lombardia perde terreno agricolo a favore del cemento - http://www.salviamoilpaesaggio.it/blog...
Comic for October 23, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Comic for October 18, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Comic for October 16, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Chrome Remote Desktop Controls Other Computers from a Chrome Tab [Chrome Extensions] - http://lifehacker.com/5848179...
Comic for October 6, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Comic for October 2, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
il 76emo fattelo ad antigua #silviodimettiti #AuguriSilvio
Comic for September 27, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Comic for September 21, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...
Comic for September 18, 2011 - http://dilbert.com/strips...