LOL OpenAccess, who’d ever care? MT @EFF So many n… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
“A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, in… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Hopefully you’ve better plans tonight thn watchng… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
lulz MT @csoghoian Google must be outraged to lear… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
More local the whistle blowing, greater the obliga… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Can’t B true b/c #singularity “@OpenMeyended We’ve… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
RT @TheRoot: For telling her story of sexual assau… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
If our #singularity is future-fixated, constrained… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Yay otherness #singularity “@sarahkendzior Scott J… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
So fleeting “@sarahkendzior ruins of a century-old… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Pics auto-magically disappearing while visiting (l… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Srsly, humans: RT @amprog: More than the Iraq and… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Srsly, humans:MT @Welcome_us How2 watch party @DOC… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
A 1st take on #GiveAndTake Most seem to self-eval… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Well snap, owe @reason apology on that poll articl… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
And @reason wonders why loses cred “62% Oppose Gov… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Source: “Aspects of Child Maltreatment”. Ch.4, “Ps… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
“It is critical… [to] educate the bar & the… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Next, child abusers same age bracket w/ damaged ki… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Causes & Conditions. What creates this? “@Stat… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
Trust circuits too severely burned too many times…. - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
MT @DefineAmerican “How do you define American?”… - http://michael.silverton.palo-...
I want to believe, Lord. Help Thou mine unbelief…. - http://michael.silverton.palo-...