There we go. RT @WaPoTeamTV NBC picks up series from David Kelley -- and Conan O'Brien
Surprised TV media not all over the "NBC picks up show ("Outlaws") co-produced w/Conan O'Brien's production company" Not even @TVMoJoe
Ratings trivia: last Thursday at midnight 2.06 million watched ROBOT CHICKEN. 907,000 of them were age 18-34.
Idol sees series lows for performance show w/adults 18-34, and worst 18-49 ratings for Tuesday since July 23, 2002
RT @HitFixDaniel: FX renews "Justified." Future of "Chuck" likely unimpacted.
RT @SaraHess: This photo of Donovan McNabb waiting to have his picture taken with Justin Bieber is going to bum me out all day.
RT @moryan: Dayum, if u r not watching #Spartacus, u r missing out on a fun, good, soapy drama. I don't want S1 to end! #houseofbatiatus #absofsteel
RT @Jadenewt: @TVbytheNumbers I'd say 1.8 but it's hard to say with Friday and a Holiday >.< Bad day to premier a show.
RT @jabberwocky999: Under 1.5. This is the first I've heard of it. RT @TVbytheNumbers Any TV Ratings Predictions for the CBS's "Miami Medical" premiere?
@moryan root for the apocalypse to win in S5 and have S6 set mostly in heaven? I'd probably be OK with that ; )
Just watched last night's #Supernatural. Ash! Thought @moryan would be SO HAPPY. She was: http://featuresblogs.chicagotr...
a little surprised that Apple still appears higher in a Google search on "iPad" than David Carr
Looks like @poniewozik is not going to be doing a "The iPad is the Future of Television" cover story for Time.
RT @pkafka: good nugget here RT @alleyinsider: Hulu Turns Profitable, We Eat Crow by @hblodget
@KateAurthur is pretty good for doing the traffic comparisons since both sites are "Quantified"
@HitFixDaniel I'll give you points for handling that with style and grace! Happy Passover.
@HitFixDaniel Whoaaa Nellie! Sadly for HITFIX"s biz model, watching TV is no barometer of traffic success.
It never gets old... Meet the Man Your Man Could Smell Like:
I'm with @HitFixDaniel LOST was good, but not four exclamation points good. Fun podcast from Fienberg & @sepinwall
RT @sepinwall: And if that's not enough to give your flatscreen a workout, Discovery's "Life" (8 p.m.) is just amazing to look at.
@LaceyVRose thank you for finding the "S" in Woods that I managed to miss!
@jadande @ptishow Wilbon's bracket not looking as good as his column, but he did ahave St. Mary's over Nova:
Wonders if @Dom_Pagone wishes he could tweet "SUCK IT, Tom Shales" #Justified
RT @TheLiveFeed Time Warner puts Playboy Channel on kids TV
@KateAurthur Lilly Scott sounds like she'd get along well with Ben Silverman
RT @JBFlint: Yes people who are heavy tweeters do it while watching TV, but yet to be convinced that Twitter is bringing new eyeballs to small screen.
@laceyvrose 2.1 A18-49 rating for Sons of Tucson coming out of Family Guy's 3.5
yikes. Multiple twitter accounts and senility don't mix well.
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