Scott McMullan

Mostly work stuff here: SaaS/PaaS/ startups/intrapreneurship. Currently Google Apps partner lead w/Google Enterprise
'Musical Rooms' keeps SRO tenants on the move in San Francisco: (by @vancarr)
Whats the best way to watch all the Star Wars movies? Will watch all w/the kiddos, but dont know if 4,5,6,1,2,3 is better, or 1-6 straight?
RT @davegirouard: Fairly stunned at breadth & depth of pan-Google resources gathering behind our enterprise initiatives. 2010 will be huge!
RT @WebWorkerDaily: 10 Free Add-ons to Extend Google Apps & Make It More Useful:
RT @jeffragusa: Google Apps reseller program turns 1 today Happy Birthday!
Enterprise OpenSocial Whitepaper by Alfresco, Atlassian, Cisco, Cubetree, Google, IBM, SAP and SocialText
RT @googleio: Our Google I/O registration website is now live. Hope to see you at #io2010 in SF in May!
. @PingCloud great to see you joining the OpenId Board
Rebecca: "neighbor is cutting down a big tree, we can get stumps for the campfire!" Me: "go for it" ... Come home to 3 200lb logs in trunk.
Excited by feature to store/share ANY file type in Google Docs: Congrats
RT @Sunir: @MikeMcDerment interview - Insights That Helped FreshBooks Become A Successful Paid Web App:
Yay! Gridding off the go this weekend...
. @jsmarr and @chrismessina i'm stoked we'll all be hanging at the same water cooler here at Google! Welcome.
GQueues looks like a nice list management app: OpenID-based single sign on to Google Apps to boot! (via @gqueues)
Congrats @jeffragusa on your 'Bull's Eye Award: Americas Channel Executives of the Year from Channel Insider'
For $99, AirTunes + Iphone 'remote' app is best home music setup I've tried yet. Byebye Slimserver
@cwood I liked tweetie too. Now I use Seesmic on Android.
Reading @philww thoughts about revenue vs. reach for business-focused SaaS apps:
. @dipockdas C3 looks like a really interesting company, congrats on making the move. Took me a while to figure it out!
#TenYearsAgo I was on Kho Pi Pi island in Thailand, taking a long overdue 2 week break from the day to day of bootstrapping my startup.
"If you really love ceviche, and really love classic Peruvian dishes like loma saltado, and like good (but pricey) Pisco cocktails, then you'll love Fresca. Just like I do. I spent a month in Peru,…" - Scott McMullan
RT @chudson we're getting some great speaker proposals for the freemium summit - pass the word: #freemium << worthy
@safoian um, yes. good point -- car charger. I'm so charmed by the ability to access all my cloud stuff from any device that I forgot!