After getting halfway through typing the ridiculously long url to the RSS feed I realized that the TiVo UI does not support question marks!
To those that think consumer facing RSS is not critically ill, try to subscribe to a TechCrunchTV video podcast feed in TiVo.
Cable card activation worked. Unfortunately, I need TiVo's proprietary 802.11n network adapter before I can use it. Cord cut involuntarily.
It's a floating holiday here today. I think I'll float down to the Comcast store to exchange my cable box for a cable card.
Is the battle for dominance between iOS and Android really a battle for dominance between software designers and software engineers?
Do you want your kids to be educated by robots?
Apple claims that their app approval process protects users from harm. If a user claims that an app has harmed them can they then sue Apple?
RT @dannysullivan: Geez the new Nanos are awful
RT @Arubin: There are over 300,000 Android phones activated each day.
Whatever happened with Google and Twitter's pledge to release the source code to Android's official Twitter app?
Justin Beiber slowed down 800% ...
I would like Microsoft to provide me an Android activity runtime engine for Kinect. I want to move from mobile apps to apps that are mobile.
RT @timbray: Everyone I know with an Evo bitches all the time about the battery. But none have gone back to what they were using before.
Bandwidth testing at home. T-Mobile (Ion) vs. Verizon (Droid) vs. Sprint (Evo). Sprint outperforms in both data and voice in SoMa w/o 4G.
shift-reload cured what ailed sad puzzle piece
The following plug-in has crashed: FlashPlayer 10.6 (accompanied by sad puzzle piece with x'ed out eyes)
Finally installed Android 2.1 on my Ion courtesy Cyanogenmod. Just in time to support Twitter Corp.'s Android client.
Google's gifting me a Verizon Droid to use at GoogleIO and develop apps for. I would have preferred a Nexus One but thanks nonetheless.
WebGL lessons
The battle to get Flash on the iPhone is about DRM.
Finally saw Avatar last night. The 3D IMAX experience was stunning. The character development was simplistic and somewhat condescending.
@mmastrac decided to play it safe and went with the latest stable cyanogen mod for the Ion, which is still at 1.6
I think it's time to bail on my stock Android 1.6 dev build and find a 2.x mod to install on my Ion